Thanks to everyone who grabbed something from the webstore this past week. We’re just getting caught up with orders now, so please hold any “Where’s my stuff”-emails until at least the middle of the week. Still some sizes in hoodys, shorts and jerseys left, plus all sizes of the tees except the Vacation one :)
HD video blog #10 via Johnny Wilson. Springtime is nice.
Part two of the Peter Smolik and Brandon Turner Weekend Buzz is now live. He hates food pics. “Motherfucker, do I look like Slimer to you?”
Sort of on that same note, can’t recall an interview that really elaborated on just how much money the average “A-list” pro skateboarder made in the early-2000s as Jenkem’s new one with Kenny Getz re: “the CKY era.”
Someone on Slap scanned the entire Olson TWS cover interview in a readable resolution. All New York photos. He does darkslides now.
Wenning was stressed out filming for Photosynthesis ten days before deadline.
After numerous false starts at digitizing their archive, Know Skate and TWS announced that every 411VM segment will be available via an app by the end of this year. (ICYMI: Somewhat relevant old QS post.)
Haven’t seen much from this dude as of late, but glad he’s still putting out solid parts: New one from Austin Kanfoush. Boardslide S.F. 3-up-3-down is super chill.
Cool five-minute montage from the NJ Skateshop squad.
NY Skateboarding has a bit more info on the skatepark being built in place of the Fat Kid Spot. And yes, they should keep the name “Fat Kid Spot” for it, with the green Parks Department leaf under the name and all. Don’t forget that there’s also supposed to be a new park built in Harlem for the summer, too. (Even though #lenox4ever.)
SMLTalk on the music supervision of THPS, the soundtrack of your youth.
Live has a web premiere of “Grapevine,” a ten-minute, largely New York-based video with quick VX/night footage-heavy #Japanese ‘n #French #vibez.
This was a cool read. These “20 Years of Girl / Chocolate” interviews tend to all go down similar lines of questioning, but it feels like there aren’t a ton of Jeron Wilson interviews out there, so…
The first-ever Vans video, Propeller, is premiering in New York on May 1st, at 10 P.M., right by Columbus Circle on 62nd and Broadway.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Can’t imagine J.R. Smith being a person younger NBA players should be taking much advice from, unless he’s relaying proper post-4 A.M. club etiquette… Get well soon, Chris Copeland. Also on the topic of former Knicks, glad to see Galinari shining post-injury.
Quote of the Week:

Bronze 56k x Star Wars — Japan only exclusive.