Friends With Fred

“Never give up. Stick with it and keep trying. Don’t get discouraged by shitty attitudes. Just keep going, man. Don’t look back… And stay off hard drugs.” Fred Gall, 2019. Not sure who shot this photo? Maybe Mehring? Photo by Reda.

Figure there is zero chance anybody who is a QS Monday Links reader would not have already seen Fred Gall’s “Spiritual Healing” part, but it would also be sacrilegious to not mention it.

“You needed to bring a mattress there ’cause you run right into a brick wall and you’ll die without a mattress.” Thrasher also posted up Brian Anderson’s interview with Fred Gall.

…aaannndddddd The Warm-Up Zone — the internet’s leading Fred Gall scholars — compiled a recap of the past 18 months of Freddy’s achievements leading up to the part.

It’s a week with both a Naquan and a Johnny YouTube upload ⚱️

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A Tale of Four Knobs — A Skate Spot’s Slow, Ongoing Journey To Liberation

Knobs get conquered in a number of ways. Beyond the obvious — actually being de-knobbed — two things happen to render them obsolete.

One, is that skateboarding evolves. The cliché goes something like: “without struggle, there is no progress.” When spots are knobbed, our most able-bodied athletes see an invitation to have quicker feet and longer ollies. This can be seen via people skating past the knobs at Pyramid Ledges, and between the knobs at Verizon Banks — though it will take a generation of people thinking Tiago is “normal” before the re-knobbed Veterans manny pad gets unlocked again. (Its first post-knob unlocking occured under the supervision of Anthony Pappalardo in the 1870s, A.K.A. in Fully Flared.)

Option two is playing the long game. You wait for weather, rust and general wear-n’-tear to do their things.

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Christmas in March — New Nik Stain Part + New Johnny Wilson Clip

Wasn’t expecting this waking up on a late-winter Tuesday morning: the first mostly-New York Johnny Wilson Vimeo upload since “Sup World” back in 2016 + Nik Stain doing Bruns levels of charging through the rickety back remnants of the CBS ledges like it’s Love Park or some shit.

Features a bunch of people you probably haven’t seen much from since the 917 video, which should get you stoked for the upcoming …917 video.