We first caught Tanner Diamond‘s atmospheric videos with “OTIS” back in early 2021, when the city’s streets were still gutted out for skateboarders to do whatever they wanted. Last winter’s “TREAD” built on that momentum, and today, we’re honored to present “PIECED,” Tanner’s latest.
Every approach to skateboarding in New York and documenting it is obviously beautiful, but Tanner’s videos tap into the timelessness of hacking the algorithm of the city’s plazas — whether its a nondescript slab of marble just barely out of view from security, or the eight set in front of the Met that’s been skated for as long as people have been able to huck down eights. There’s no gravitation to summer hot spots, just a see-what-works approach that often feels more effective at night with a camera light. They do make it out to Paris and San Juan this time though
Whether you’re the same age as these dudes or swamped with life shit and only able to skate once a week, it’s not hard to recognize a glimmer of your own skate crew’s best days watching these videos.