Where Is Spider

Brian Reid is pro! Wooooooo! Long overdue ❤️ Photo by Jake Darwen via Brian’s Thunder ad in the December 2023 Thrasher.

MARONE, the Bay Area-based video starring a bunch of New Jersey homies by Paul Overstrom and Ryan Burge, is now live in full on Skate Jawn — alongside an interview with its creators.

INT3RDIM3NSIONS is the new video by Nova World Order and Chris Patti. Entirely filmed in New York and features sections from Jose Zapatero, Luca Mayer and an ender part from Pat Hoblin full of cutty spots only for the mentally strong (that polejam shuv out to grate landing…)

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It’s Just Another Cyber Monday

Do you have $99,000 lying around? Want to own a skatepark [a lil’ over an hour from the city]? Peekskill’s 2nd Nature park is for sale. No cybermonday promo code for that though ;)

The promo for the upcoming Late Nite Stars full-length video went live last week. (Yes, a Trung sighting is included.)

Shari White made a new 11-minute edit called “Gleek / Blueberries,” featuring a solid chunk of Dustin Henry footage + appearances from Una, Breana, Nelly, Stafhon, Shealy, Chandler Burton and a mini curtains section from Evan Wasser.

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9 iPhones, 2 HPXs, 1 VX, 0 Clips

The bros. New QS goods available in U.S. shops now. International sooner than soon. Our webstore relaunches this Friday, November 3 @ noon E.S.T. 📷 by Jason Lecras.

Jersey legend Ron Deily has a new part out for NJ Skateshop and Square Up Skateboards, full of NJ crust + an emphatic stomp on a switch front blunt in The Bronx.

“In general not being so hard on yourself is a big one. It can get dark, you gotta love yourself, all the cliche shit is kinda true.” Music talk, the origin of Late Nite Stars + more in Skate Jawn‘s interview with Alan Bell, available in both video and written form :) Run back Mr. Bell’s “ab” part after you’re done with the interview.

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For All The Doggies

“I can’t believe you’re not more hyped on your pro M&M. I’m starting to think I should’ve given it to someone else.” Skate Jawn‘s “$100 Chill” series is back! The new episode is with Nelly Morville spending it all in Times Square. Yes, a lanyard and one sticker costs $19 there.

The Bunt is also back! Their latest is a hall of fame episode with Josh Kalis.

The Hunnydip NYC crew just dropped an all-New York crew video entitled NIÑO. Guest tricks from the inline homies is seriously fire 🔥

INBETWEEN DAYS is a Syracuse, New York-based video by Lukas Reed. Includes an opening part from Drew Grabowski, lots of great hometown vibes, and some #spotresearch for anybody tired of staring at Blue Park.

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It’s All on U

Nik Stain grain by Pauly Coots 📸💞

“There also might be a slight difference in the value of technicality. I think a nollie crook means more to us out here than it may out west to you.” Heckride has a #longform interview with the man behind the lens of many of your favorite clips, Paul Young.

“Then I counted Tyshawn’s part and he only has 32 tricks in Blessed which was his S.O.T.Y. part. It made me realize that it’s not necessarily the quantity of tricks that makes a part good.” Korahn Gayle chats about some of his biggest influences for Slam City Skates’ “Visuals” series.

Can’t imagine many local residents are bummed about this, but something for the “Summer Trip to New York” video-makers to keep in mind: you’re not gonna have an easy time getting an Airbnb in New York.

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