It’s Nice To Have An Ender — An Interview With Tyler Surrey

🔑 Interview by Adam Abada
📷 Photos by Leandro Terrile & Tyler

While we have been fans of Sk8mafia since forever — as evidenced by a decade-plus of Quote of the Week installments — QS is likely not the first news source you would go to for an interview with one of San Diego’s brightest sons. But we have been Tyler Surrey fans for a long time, admiring the dude’s ability to drop video parts that feel wholly complete and thought-through, without a moment ever feeling it’s its veering into a footage dump.

Tyler’s Indy part from late last year was a QS office favorite, so we got him on the line to discuss life as a working skateboarder, evolving your eye with age, and what’s good with living in Barcelona circa 2024, er …2025.

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Architectural Digest

Photo via @tossnyc_slon

“Everything hard to get or expensive isn’t necessarily any more fulfilling. If caviar was $1 a pound, I don’t think anybody would want it.” Jenkem interviewed Antonio Durao about the move to Hardbody, sponsorship history, and his beautiful perspective on this thing we call life ❤

Ted Barrow runs through the history of the Courthouse-Blubba-Columbus Park triangle that sits at the site of the once worst-slum in America — and now makes up probably 25% of New York skate coverage — for the latest episode of Thrasher‘s “This Old Ledge.”

Our friends at Place Mag and Daniel Paese tried to answer one of humanity’s most confounding questions via video essay. No, not are we alone in the universe, but the eternal: “why don’t you skate at the skatepark?”

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Frozen in Carbonite Presents: Song of the Summer x Video Part of the Summer 2023

Words by Frozen in Carbonite

This year, the owners of my local bar revived an institution from The Before Times™: music trivia.

I call it music trivia, but it mostly consists of “name that tune” — the DJ plays 12 snippets (usually in a category like Eighties, Nineties, Songs about Beer ‘n Trucks) and you have to name the artist and title. Eighties is my shit; country my achilles heel. ANYWAY, this was the first time playing without drinking. Whenever I go to a bar, if they don’t have legit NA beers, I get a Red Bull and some appetizers because I feel like a dummy hanging out for hours and not spending any money. You pay for the experience. The ambience.

ANYWAY, I won ten bucks. I was psyched, but even more psyched at the end of the night when I saw the name the bartender entered for my tab.

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From a Shoelace Belt to the Movie Set

We went to this iconic chunk of New Jersey crust last summer, and somebody in the car was like, “I heard some Brazilian dude frontside flipped into this.” Didn’t doubt it, because, you know — Brazilian skaters — but wow. The footage dropped in Retta Skateshop’s Atemporal video that went live on Free last week. It’s in Rafael Gomes’ incredible closer part, which includes an ender at another famous nearby Jersey bank. *Prepares for somebody to say “Tony Macaroni from Lodi actually already frontside flipped into that in 1912.”*

Brianna Delaney has a new, all-Barcelona part out for Grand Collection and Converse. In a career full of incredible back tails, that ender still belongs in the hall of fame.

Our guy Rafael Pereira B.K.A. Haffa dropped a new part filmed on his travels throughout Latin America, with some impeccable switch heel form to close things out.

Hardbody Beast Coast Tour — Part 1.

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Bed, Snacks & Beyond

📷 via @mariosk8

Zered is the latest subject of the Lookback Library’s “Cover Discussions” series, chatting about his three Transworld covers and three Skateboarder covers. (Crazy he hasn’t had a Thrasher one before, especially given the Massachusetts connection with Phelps.)

“Caller 10” is a crustaceous journey by Pittsburgh’s Radio Skateshop through one of the roughest cities for skate spots. Includes a great Zach Funk part to close it out.

While we’re on the topic of crust, peep Adam Meuller’s part in Justin Bohl’s Detroit video, Minted, which includes everything from lines on broken boats through abandoned buildings to polejams out of snow piles.

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