Trust Your Kickflip

Nolan Zangas’ photography book, So Far So Good, is now for sale online.

Greg Navarro’s follow-up to 2021’s Upper West Side Curb Club, which was filmed entirely at the Soldiers & Sailors Monument, will be The Central Park Flatground Club, a video entirely filmed within the confines of Central Park’s 842 acres — a place not exactly known for its abundance of skateable objects.

“It can be a delicate dance to do something you love for money. I’m sure I could have kept my career going for a while, and it was tempting to do that because I was making really good money, but I felt strongly I needed to do something else.” Jenkem interviewed known goat John Gardner about leaving his pro skateboarding career behind so he could focus on doing mental health counseling. Godspeed, John ❤️

“New York was the one where I was, like, ‘Holy shit, these are skate spots.'” Closer posted up Farran Golding’s interview with Nelly Morville from their last issue on their website.

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Let It Breathe

Andrew Wilson by Ryan Mettz 📷 via Johnny’s Vid

No way you haven’t seen it but also no other way to begin the round-up: On Friday, Bronze dropped the second edition of “Bronze TV Channel 56” over on Thrasher. Includes full-ish parts from many staples of the Bronze franchise. That CBS ollie into the pit is absolutely insane.

Updated the Quartersnacks One-Spot Part Map for the first time in 2023: Tony Zhang’s Purgatory: The Sproul Video, is a video video filmed entirely at UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza, referred to in the YouTube description as “the worst spot in Berkeley.” (“Purgatory” is a fantastic way to describe the spots we waste away the most at.)

Jake Johnson runs through his history with no complies alongside an accompanying sizzle reel for Skate Jawn.

Christian Henry has a new, seven-minute part out with a hall of fame Columbus Park trick right in the middle. Not on the rail! Not on the two block! And it’s a noseslide!

There’s Sexhippies Albany edit featuring the Vargas bros and the rest of the team.

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Monday Viewing — Sexhippies’ ‘Sexwax’ Video

“Sexwax” is the latest video from Sexhippies and Orchard Skateshop videographer, Ted Purtell. Filmed in New York, Albany, and Springfield, Massachusetts, it’s the follow-up to this past winter’s inaugural “Hi” video with a small parts’ worth of footage from Eddie and Jojo Vargas + appearances from Cooper Qua, Zac Gavin, Jasper Dohrs, Carlos Kanter and Colby Strong. Fence scrapes seem to be on the rise (that ender spot is some shit you’d expect from a video out the northern U.K. crust), and there’s a tre in there worthy of the pantheon of emphatically rotated Photosynthesis tre’s.

And if you’re just joining and wondering “wtf is Sexhippies?” — Village Psychic got the backstory a few months ago re: the origins of the brand and how the crew came together.

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