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Is E.T. still in Spain? Photo by Zach Baker

New spring goods now live on Just don’t expect a text back from Pryce.

but is E.T. still in Spain?

Over the weekend, there was a scare that Shorty’s was being demolished. Although it ended up being a miscommunication between the city and a private company, part of the structure was demolished, but much of the spot remains in tact. The Shorty’s crew met with the mayor of Newark today, and you can read an update here.

Jason Byoun wallies off of snow.

Bunches and bunches of interviews this week…

Super refreshing to see an interview with a nineties pro from the east coast that doesn’t tread the bitter waters that cover so many recollections of that time period. Chromeball interview #99 is with civil engineer, Andy Stone. Anndd Twitter’s saying the newly surfaced footage of him belongs in the Smithsonian.

Speedway Mag posted its extended interview with Josh Stewart about the entire Static series on the occasion of Theories’ ten-year anniversary. (The edited version originally appeared on the Keen Distribution site if some bits seem familiar.)

Pontus Alv interviews Johnny Wilson and then Pontus Alv interviews Bobby Puleo.

Cafe Creme blog interviewed R.B. Umali.

A Minnesotan asks a good question: why isn’t Chicago a bigger deal in skateboarding?

“Elsewhere in Los Angeles, Jim Greco boils.” As discussed last week, skateboarding has doubled down on angst while angsty icons of the 2000s have rebranded themselves with a newfound focus on straightforward skateboarding. Boil the Ocean considers our age of the self-concious comeback in skateboarding.

Consult aforelinked Andy Stone interview for context on why people still fawn over 411 videos. Tennyson comes through with another compilation, this time an eleven-minute mash-up Carl Shipman and Tom Penny, maybe the only guy out there who can keep your attention with twenty-year-old contest footage :)

This Rowan Zorilla Instagram comp is a good time.

The Northern Co. goes all-city in their five-minute “Summer Trip to New York” montage. (Ok fine, they don’t go to Staten Island — has there ever been a truly all-city summer montage though?)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week Year[?]: Who is James Harden again?

Quote of the Week
Conor Prunty: “It took me like two years to learn how to ollie.”
Jesse Alba: “My dad is still learning how to ollie, he’s been skating for like 40 years.”


Gotta get back on it, sorry :(

Nor’easter Links

huf reese

Late start today innit. All remaining QS hats in the webstore are $15 btw ♥

When I don’t skate I get stoked when I skate.” Same.

The Parks Department sessions Central Park for All City Showdown. Comedy aside, there’s something admirable about filming an entire montage in a place well known for having next to nothing to skate. There are those three sets of three on a hill at the south entrance of the reservoir that would actually look great on film though…

Muckmouth’s rant on ETN — essentially Pay-Per-View for skating — is one of the funnier pieces of skateboard writing in recent memory, but the most quotable lines are a bit too risqué for the #SFW environment of a Monday QS post :)

The Tennyson Corp just keeps reelin’ in the hits. The latest is a mix of J.B. and Caesar Singh’s 411 footage. Is the fact that J.B. is European the only reason why he’s often forgotten on First Team Prodigious Nineties Street Skaters lists? Yes? Though so.

Kalis is one of the rare pros whose interviews always feel different and new, even though he’s covered the same tried and true subjects before. He’s got two out this week, both on the occasion of his first trip to London…one with Kingpin about a vindictive $117,000 tax bill from the city of Philadelphia, and another with Slam City Skates with some good bits about the homogenization of 360 flips.

Chima was a bit more unhinged than a lot of guests on the season finale of The Bunt. Requests for next season: Kalis (duh), Zered, Forrest, Jake, Smolik, Muska.

Politic put Danny Renaud’s part from Division, their most recent video, up online. You can find Caddo’s part here, in case you missed it ;)

Russian Bob uploaded nine minutes of raw Gavin Nolan footage.

Might be a tough sell to some of our curmudgeonous colleugues, but Ripped Laces is contending that Reebok is skateboarding’s favorite “unofficial” skate shoe.

Even if it’s basically a lookbook, Leo footage is Leo footage.

l train coming from city

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Kristaps’ block in a game that resulted in the first Nets home win in sixteen games. Yeah, I just had this one on in the background last night. No, I didn’t watch it for more than 15 seconds at a time.

Quote of the Week: “Toughen up dude, have a piña colada.” — David Dowd

That Parks Department clip reminded me of the time Ja$onwear noseslid the entire 10-flat-10-flat-10 “hubba” at the 6th Avenue entrance of Central Park, so here’s the 2003 masterpiece as a digitally remastered 2017 Criterion Collection GIF.


At Least Migos Have the #1 Album in the Country…


Photo by Emilio Cuilan

This guy nollie flipped Black Hubba, and then followed it up with the highest white rapper ever done in skateboard history. But also he nollie flipped Black Hubba.

Speaking of nollies, The Bunt’s latest episode is with nollie legend and Antwuan Dixon’s favorite skateboarder, Gailea Momolu. Monster Children also interviewed Cephas and Donovan about their ascent to the top of skating’s current pod boom.

“What did you buy with your first check?” “Nothing. Them shits is in the bank.” Monster Children also has an interview with smart kid Tyshawn Jones.

Jack Greer’s film, Circles in Tompkins Square is now available on Vimeo On Demand.

“If you land it this try, I’ll go vegan for the rest of the trip.” Vinny Ponte interviews Zered Bassett about the old days for twenty minutes.

Three-minute reminder of how poetic Javier Sarmiento looks on a skateboard.

Labor’s All City Showdown installment is now live over on Thrasher, with stock music straight out of the EST archives. The Frog/Max Palmer section is gold, Jerry. Gold.

Skaters from Atlanta really like that manny pad to rock at 20th & C.

Adam Louis put together a montage of Johnny’s outtakes featuring all the 917 dudes. The world needs another Genny part and can we get Kohlton skating again?

Someone compiled a bunch of Bill Strobeck’s IG videos into one convenient clip.

Pretty much everyone in our age group and under looked up to Rodney Torres growing up. First New Yorker to flip into a handrail (pretty sure…), first to hit the Hooters Rail (R.I.P.), etc. “The King of Queens” is a quick video portrait by Carlos Felipe. Chrome Ball’s Rodney post has also been an all-time fave.

Theories of Atlantis, champion of all things independent and #small in skateboarding, put together a year-end list of 2016’s best videos, a month late ;)

“However, the recently proffered notion that Chad Muska’s ‘illusion’ frontside flips looked good, wrongheaded as it is, speaks to a similar, latent yearning for diversity in trick form that seems to have been squeezed out in the online video age.” If no complies, beanplants, pressure flips and noseslide shoves can come back, there’s little reason to believe the mob or illusion flip won’t become a fashionable alternative to the tricks’ homogenized norms/forms by April of this year.

An interesting read on just how Brexit impacts the skate industry in the U.K.

Paul Young uploaded four minutes of raw footage from a 2015 S.F. trip with Josh Wilson, Brendan Carroll, Adrian Vega, Tierney, Duster, Dick Rizzo and Nick Ferro.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: DEEEE JAAAYYY KHALLLLEEDDD!!!!

Quote of the Week: “I have too many totes.” — Keith Denley

Here’s to happier times in Atlanta ♥

Damn, Remember That Week With Seven Updates?


Connor Champion at that ledge you’ve seen at least two of your friends die on. Photo by Corn.

QS webstore is now live with new beanies, longsleeve Snackman pocket tees, a reissue of the Tompkins Track Club hoody, and restocks on fall items. All of the new items are webstore only, i.e. won’t be at any shops. Also, we promise sending orders out won’t be a shit show like the last drop :) Thank you everyone for the support ♥

Solo interviewed Cyrus.

Tiago should’ve got S.O.T.Y, but at least Michael Scott is finally happy.

You probably saw it, but it’s perplexing as to how nine minutes of raw Jake Johnson footage can only have ~21K YouTube views? The remixes are bound to be rolling these next couple weeks, so here’s one that imagines if the rumors about Jake getting on Polar a year or two ago actually came true.

Why does it seem like frontside noseslide nollie heel out to fakie has been having a moment lately? Zoo dropped a sick 1/2 Ron Deily, 1/2 Gavin Nolan part last week.

Carlos Mendoza did the stage to rock ollie at 20th and C backwards

Village Psychic eulogizes Cliché. J.B’s Freedom Fries part will always be #top5 for me.

“It is widely agreed that anything that ever happened in skateboarding, past or present, occurred on Osiris’ 2001 ‘Aftermath’ tour.” Boil the Ocean on the decreasing chance of untapped interview subjects in skateboarding. Yo, who was at the Aftermath Tour stop at Chelsea Piers that day? We should all do a reunion.

Jenkem hung out with the one-man team behind @vintagesponsor.

The Kush Cowboy lipslide hubba from “cherry” just got torn down, so this long-winded Diamond commercial is most likely the last bit of footage you’re going to see on it.

Part one of a trip video featuring the two greatest New Jerseyian skateboarders roadtripping up to Maine. Don’t watch it if you’re hungry though.

Nothing to do with skating…just want to point you guys who like words in the direction of this incredible piece of longform journalism ;)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Ish? Ish! (Yeah, this could be Russ every week.)

Quote of the Week:

Gonna throw the unsolicited information out there that I’d be perfectly fine with spending American currency on a Tinashe x Metro Boomin album…

Oh, Perfect.


DANY video JFK Terminal 1 premiere. Coming soon.

Noseslides on handrails have remained dormant since the peak Muska years, Koston/Frankhouse nosesliding the curved 20 at City Hall era, etc. It’s been a long 10+ years, but we may have to consider a plain and simple noseslide down a handrail as a current frontrunner for N.S.O.T.Y. Shout to Mostly Skateboarding for the tip.

EggsTech™ without the Eggs. The boy Dana Ericson hit up Barcelona for a lot of heavy noseslide and shove nosegrind maneuverings. [*Mandatory mention that he skates a lot of non-stock Barcelona spots :) *]

/ end noseslide related content

Some heavy start of summer vibes in Genesis’ new iPhone clip, and MDW edit from Buck Prichard featuring Caddo, Brendan Carroll + others.

Beef Patty alumni v.s. Connecticut concrete parks via Max Hull.

“Let’s not forget that skateboarding has been multi-platform media since the Bones Brigade videos.” Skateboard Story ran a brutally blunt and honest interview with Eben Sterling, a guy who’s worked at Thrasher for over two decades, about the mag’s continued success as we decry the imminent collapse of print media, and how you’re definitely a dick if you’re on the QS comments section in 2016 thinking Rihanna being the god is some Urban Outfitters “irony” shit.

On same-but-different note, Village Psychic has a feature about Scotland’s North magazine, which only shoots and runs photos on film.

Bobshirt has a video interview with backside nosegrind popout pioneer, Jerry Fowler.

“The way they let the hill bombs run out with no music has an intensity impossible to concoct with slow-motion drone filmography, and its montage structuring is refreshingly dense, difficult to digest in even a few watches…” Boil the Ocean gets its #filmtheory on to juxtapose the GX1000 video with um, skateboarding in the Olympics.

There’s tons of heavy shit in the new Kyron Davis part, including a full-on front board up that thing in the Columbus Park playground that only BMXers hit up.

A topic that has more-or-less steered skate conversations for 20 years: pants.

Although this has to do with one of the worst qualities of American culture, here’s an interesting interview with a lawyer who skates handrails, and took his proficiency at talking to cops to specialize in skateboard related legal-cases.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This is going five, right? …four?

Quote of the Week: “Anthony Bourdain ruined dating because now you have to take a girl to like, Thailand.” — T-Bird

Out of the country for a bit, so be aware of a potential delay in reply time if you’re trying to get in touch re: anything xoxo :)