Holiday Tees & Coach Jackets Now in the Web Store


The new holiday tees and three colors of coach jackets are now available in the web store. The size run in the jackets was a bit weird, so those might run out in certain styles sooner rather than later. Yes, every order ships with free stickers. Yes, international shipping is still expensive.

If you place an order today, everything should begin shipping in the next 24-36 hours. Note if you ordered anything in the past week, we’ve been super backed up and your order will ship shortly.

Support your local skate site. As always, thanks for any of your purchases, be it from the web store or a physical store. Means a lot all the same.

The song above rhymes “orphanage” with “astrology.” Happy Wednesday.

We Been On

jugg house

Exit Skateshop in Philadelphia (825 N 2nd Street) has a restock of QS gear. No, they do not have RiRi cruisers. Also, we will be going out of the country for a bit, so all orders placed after 5 P.M. E.S.T. on Tuesday, July 23, will not be shipped until August 7th. Please place any orders for QS merchandise in the next day or so if you don’t want to wait two weeks for delivery. (P.S. There are not many larges left.)

Wow — look at this spot. (Previously mentioned here.)

John Shanahan’s part in the Homebase Skateshop (Bethlehem, PA) video, Lemmegetdatfooty is awesome. Cool spots and good style. Check out all the Homebase videos, including this one in full, on the shop’s discography page.

You thought spring rumors were bad? Ripped Laces rounds up the recent cluster of skate gossip and sponsor changes, though they failed to mention Alex Olson’s reported destination(s) or the formation of a new Bones Brigade.

Much like Nas’ 2001 freestyle over the “Paid in Full” beat, the new Skate Jawn montage reminds you that Jay-Z used to rap like the Fu-Shnickens.

Some dudes from Puerto Rico opted out of the traditional April-October trip to New York season, and came here in the winter to film a cool ten-minute montage with a Watermelon Alex appearance.

The Tennskate crew keeps the 2002 dream alive by skating the last remaining Up-Rail in their new summer trip to New York clip.

In case you missed it, Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock talked about the virtues of skateboarding in the latest episode of Seinfeld’s web show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The whole episode is great, but skip to the 11:35 mark for the part in question, or check the soundbyte that 5,000 people Instagrammed last week.

The new Buffalo skatepark looks like the Canarsie park on steroids.

Dude, it’s, like, totally art, dude.

Spot Updates: 1) FYI for anybody going to skate a certain bank spot in Coney Island… 2) A mellow bank-to-curb is the latest addition to the BQE spot.

Derrick Rose says he’s at 100%. “Shall we begin?”

Quote of the Week
Inquisitive Gentleman: “What’s up, where you headed?”
Tyshawn Jones: “Lovely Day.”

The QS Web Store is Now Open

seinfeld ri ri

Valet cost a hundred bills…

After months of vague Instagram posts and solely brick and mortar availability, we got a janky Big Cartel online store together. Snackman, Monk’s and Noseslides tees are in there. Our entry into the ever-so-competitive snapback market is in there too, though our models remain hashtag-less. The few remaining coach jackets left from a crew-only run are in there, even though it is clearly very far from coach jacket weather in New York right now. And of course, the greatest cruiser board ever made is available, in addition to two other Alltimers models that’ll get you from da crib 2 da club 2 a badgal’s crib in style. Support your local skate site. We tryna get this paper.

A handful of this stuff is in super limited quantities — you can especially count on the greatest cruiser board ever flying out of there pretty soon the best cruiser board ever is sold out already. We’ll try our best to ship any orders placed today by the end of the day, though that’s dependent on volume and not a guarantee. Outside of the internet, QS gear is available at Supreme New York, London and Los Angeles, in addition to Orchard Skateshop in Boston, Exit in Philadelphia, Lost Art in Liverpool, and Frisco in Arnhem. Stock and item availability will vary depending on the store.

Visit our online store here.

[To our international friends: Sorry, but international shipping is still expensive as hell. We wish there was a way around this, because we’d quite obviously love to have people rep the gear all over the globe, but we do not feel comfortable shipping internationally without tracking. And tracking = Express Mail = expensive. More details here.]

Breakfast at Tompkins

breakfast at tompkins

QS tees are now available at Supreme London and Los Angeles, in addition to Orchard Skateshop in Boston. Supreme London should have Alltimers RiRi and Lambo cruisers in now, and Los Angeles should be getting them soon.

Okay, before anything else: Several days ago, the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Money for Weed” sign stabbed the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Beer” sign with a pen….and the guys who dress up as Alien and Predator for tourist photo-ops were called in as witnesses.

The new Bronze video, Solo Jazz, comes out this August, as per their Facebook. Check the teaser from a few months back in case you missed it.

Also in the realm of hardware, our homie Jonah Miller started a hardware company out of Portland called Bolts, which is particularly tailored to people who double as skateboarder AND gambler degenerates. Check out the site at, follow them on IG, and check the intro clip here. Stay tuned for more.

The new Tony Carr part is fun and “creative” without trying too hard. Dude rips.

With the expected demise of Vine, the Dobbin Block crew wasted no time and compiled some of their collective Vine highlights into a montage.

Another entry to the growing “Summer Trip to New York 2013” cycle, filmed entirely from above on a glidecam.

The video itself seems a bit old (namely because there are spots that haven’t been around since 2008 in it), but the Shred NJ crew uploaded their 35-minute project, The Pie, on Vimeo last week.

Check out the video from last Saturday’s Bum Rush the Spot at the L.E.S. Park.

*Insert year-late joke about Alex Olson riding for Chanel here*

The new Juicy J and Weeknd video is mad #indie in a 90s crime movie sort of way.

Quote of the Week: “I wanted to be on The Real World when I was younger.” — Chief Keith Denley

Thanks to everyone who got us to 7,000 fans on Facebook. Much appreciated.

Every album like a bird

I like how you go out of your way to only put street stuff on your website, yet you have essentially made a 1980s vert board.

This is merely a preview for oncoming endeavors in 2011. You have probably heard of Wu-Tang Skateboards. Remember that song where Waka said, “Brick Squad we the new Wu-Tang?” While it’s temping to start laying out blueprints for Bricksquad Skateboards (we’re more than open to sitting down and discussing possibilities over coffee, except that Radric seems devoted to never allowing the legions of “Free Gucci” tee shirts buried in wardrobes across America to go to waste), we should keep in mind that such a overt logo switch up probably wouldn’t sit well given the artistic origins of the tee shirt that inspired the skateboard. You might have already knew that.

Since “CTE Skateboards” doesn’t have that *ring* to it, also considering that DGK has the three-letter acronym, rap-inspired company thing kind of locked, and The Diplomats have always seemed more interested in building a rollerblade team, we went our own route. Not going to say anything in regards to availability as of yet. Let’s just say, expect them after the coming batch of QS tee shirts (sorry if you e-mailed me about one and I haven’t gotten back to you, they’re on their way), but before the potential to acquire the Quartersnacks Varsity Jacket.