Slide like a fresh pair of gators

The 2000s summarized in one, technology encompassing shoebox — physical CD mixtapes, 3.5″ harddrives, and a grip of unmarked Mini DV tapes.

This site has never been about technological allegiances, but if the more candid, less-ambitious skateboard endeavors that make their way to this website can be shot on either of these two devices, as opposed to something that contributes to the rising need for Mini-DV-containing shoebox storage, so be it. Quartersnacks is filmed largely on a damn Canon Mini DV camera, so if you’re looking for video quality, you’ve been coming to the wrong place for quite some time. That being said, this clip has all the expected hallmarks of a digi-cam clips: skateparks, heads being cut off, feet being cut off, 12th & A, annoying security guards asking why you’re trying to put them on YouTube (you know everyone is on the lookout for the next Bush video), skating the suburbs and crashing into Lexuses, and an ensemble of other don’t-take-it-too-seriously-isms.

This clip was filmed by Josh Velez. Features Yaje Popson, Emilio, Corey Rubin, Alex, Matthew Mooney, Charles Lamb, Galen Dekemper, Josh Velez, DJ Roctakon, Pryce Holmes, Ty Lyons, Alex Mosley, Andre Page, and Ritch Swain.

Velez’s Corner Volume 1 can be found here. Uploading this one to YouTube now.

The saga, Sega, network and bodega

Things for Monday that may be of some interest to you.

Christian Hosoi was recently at the House of Vans in Greenpoint for a commemorative skate jam held in light of the Autumn Bowl’s demise. Taji put together a “Taj Cam” clip of the evening, and Billy has a more candid iPhone clip involving pastrami sandwiches and car rides.

The scaffolding is gone at IBM Ledge. They also kept the planters away from the ledge, so there is a lot more space to hit it if you are heading backside for regular / frontside for goofy.

Speaking of skate spots, if you have been skating Midtown on a regular basis for over a year, you are probably aware that almost everything becomes an unforgiving bust in the period between a few weeks before Thanksgiving, all the way through the new year, due to the heightened security presence meant to give directions to tourists and kick you out. That basically means Ziegfeld is a total bust right now, with a special guard posted up there for all previously skate-friendly hours. Consider yourself lucky if you got more than ten minutes there these past two weeks. This night was fun though.

Quiksilver Canada trip clip by Pryce Holmes. Features Torey Goodall, Alex Olson, and Pat O’Rourke. You can catch the first clip from the trip here.

Reasons you should watch this John Wisdom for Ready Amongst the Willing clip: 1. He skates to what’s probably the best song off Liquid Swords, which is saying a lot. 2. He skates in camo pants. 3. The skateboarding is really, really good.

Here is a re-edit of Luis Tolentino’s footage from the past year or so that has surfaced in various commercials, web clips, etc. Edited by Eli Gesner. Probably the closest thing to a full part from Luis in recent memory. Luis is one of New York’s finest athletes, and more than just high ollies. He has always ripped, and here’s his section from Flipmode 4 as a reminder. The trick at Pyramid Ledges may very well supersede many of the other, ledge-related endeavors accomplished there. How one does an ollie going down an incline over something very high, and nestled between two narrow brick pillars boggles the mind to this very day.

Belief Skateshop is holding a contest at the new Astoria skatepark on this coming Sunday (the 28th.) Flyer here.

Quote of the Week:It might be funny when you get hit by a car, but not when you get run over by one.” – Rob Campbell

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