The 2017 Shirtless Kebab Tour


C. Champion via W. Dada

“Every time you disprove the prejudices of a pedestrian, you win a small victory that reverses the erosion of our collective social capital.” As sarcastic as we may get about the tired “skaters see the world differently” trope, there’s always something reassuring in our ability to — on on some tiny level — leave the world better than it was before, provided we stop sitting around talking shit about pants for long enough. Caught in the Crossfire’s “Four Small Ways Skateboarding Can Change the World” is inspiring, intelligent and heartwarming writing for a tough world right now.

On that note, #respect x999999 to Young Will and everyone in Providence, Rhode Island. “If you have an idea, for pity’s sake run with it, for the good of us all.”

Half a million pounds of Love Park granite is being shipped to Malmö, Sweden. Shout out to all the cities and people doing cool shit to make humans’ time on earth better.

If you guys in the comments are calling Shanahan a “’99 Kalis deadringer,” you better brace yourselves for the ’99 Stevie version because its really really real.

Ugh, Jake ♥ Just wait on it

This might be an illegal link, but here’s Yaje’s Riddles in Mathematics part til it gets taken down. Non-sketchy link to buy the video here. Sorry TWS, it’s Yaje ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“One day’s lifted bar soon becomes the next day’s hurdle to be ollied, and later kickflipped, and eventually kilty mcbagpipped for an after-credits clip set to a whimsical indie-rock tune.” — Boil the Ocean explores ledge skating’s shrinking middle class, via the lens of Tiago’s switch back tail™. And yes, YouTube debaters, Antonio could’ve easily been #1 but Tiago got it for the trick’s status as a “culture-unifying moment.”

The most entertaining raw files clip in a really long time: A full 18 minutes from Na-Kel Smith’s X-Games “Real Street” part. Most elastic slams in the business too :)

ICYMI: Johnny made a clip of Cyrus and some Nike SB boys skating in Texas.

Skater types.” Facepalm emoji ya.

Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine is now available to stream on Hulu. (You may need to put in your card info for a free trial blah blah blah.) You can read and disagree with the QS review here.

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*Non-Skate Related Alert* The latest episode of 99% Invisible deals with abandoned buildings, squatters, riots, and everything else surrounding Tompkins Square Park in the 80s and 90s. “You got guns? We got piss buckets.” Shout to Mostly.

Quote of the Week: “The price isn’t the problem. Pryce is the problem.” — Dallas Todd

I learned frontside flips via Pryce’s Seaport line A.K.A. have never fully *flipped* one in my life. They still count in S.K.A.T.E. though ;) Thanks Pryce.

Merry Christmas…kinda


Merry Christmas to whoever woke up with the stolen Beamer logo off Dre’s car under their tree.

Hate to pile on to 2016’s seemingly infinite supply of bad news, but this is the first year that we’re not coming through with a full Christmas clip. Although the past two have admittedly lost the steam of say 2007’s tour de force, 2010’s G.O.A.T. or 2012’s shockingly productive fall — 2016 is the year when adult life caught up, and skateboarding in November/December outside of Tompkins or a skatepark just didn’t go down like it used to. Below are a few ~moody~ bits from the summer (!!!) to fill the place of a would-be Christmas clip.

Eleven years in a row of by-far the longest running annual web clip series ain’t so bad. Shout out to the O.G. Bryan Chin from who we ripped the idea off in the first place back in the early 2000s. Hope to make it back for the next one.

Features Daniel Kim, Connor Champion, Josh Velez, Andre Page, John Franco, Akira Mowatt, Matthew Perez, Lurker Lou, Keith Denley, Alexander Mosley, Thom Musso, Pryce Holmes. Filmed by Andre Page and Pad Dowd.

BUT, keep in mind that none of that may matter at all, since Dustin Henry’s Antisocial Video part is still around to warm your heart this holiday season. Congrats again to Dustin for winning our first annual Skater You Would Be Most OK With Your Daughter Dating Award! #perfectboy


Merry Christmas everyone. We’ll be back on Tuesday, December 27th.

Shirtless Kebab


Everyone who saw this IG post and thought “Ja$onwear” was correct.

“Cliché may be gone, but the elan, the esprit de corps, and that certain je ne sais quoi that made the brand so fuckin’ dope live on in the various manifestations of EuroTech that permeate the continent. Indeed, the upside to living in a dystopian futureworld is the ability to—via the ‘gram, natch—to view the quotidien of Stalin, Macba, HDV, République, and Jarmers in real time.” Frozen in Carbonite gives us the most comprehensive and heartfelt eulogy for Cliché yet, by focusing on the brand of skateboarding that it helped bring to the world stage: Eurotech™.

Unsolicited links to Cliché-related QS remix videos: Lucas Puig, J.B. Gillet.

T.J. does a pretty wild kickflip over at Pyramid Ledges, and has an entry for the “Run and Gun” contest over on the Berrics.

Bobby will be the titleholder at the spot for years to come, but Trent McClung came through heavy at Three Up Three Down for his new Venture part.

Two solid clips from the LurkNYC crew: “Mean Streets Volume 7,” and “Playground Casino” for Hotel Blue. Kinda been wondering when someone was going to hit the rail and do the quick wallie in front of NYU on W. 3rd…

The Passport boys with one of 2016’s best “Summer Trip to New York” clips.

“I didn’t have a pager, I was just a skater.” Jenkem hung out with Quim Cardona at the new Astor Place :( aanndd part three of the “Right Coast” tour with Quim and Freddy stopping over in Boston is also up on Vimeo.

“Putting on a fedora to go skate is like bringing a guitar to a session; it’s clear that you had other plans for the day that didn’t include skating.” Ripped Laces looks back on skateboarding’s regrettable fedora era

“Ciberwave 2” is the new video from Humidity Skateshop. It’s supposed to bubble :)

Boil the Ocean re: Guy Marino and Eric Koston’s new company.

Chill iPhone clip from the crew behind the Heaven’s Gate video.

Adult Rappers is a good hour-long watch about dreams and what happens to them when you grow up. Not hard to imagine a lot over overlap with skateboarding here. Shout out to Dave Dowd for the recommendation ♥

QS Sports Russell Westbrook Desk: This must’ve been, uh, disorienting. #MVP.

Quote of the Week: “Instead of ‘Skater of the Year,’ there should also be an award that’s just ‘Best Skater,’ where it’s been Ishod for the past five years.” — Leroy Holmes

Good place to start every morning from for the rest of the week ;)

Throwaway Laptops NBD


Hey man, thanks for the glowing review. Quartersnacks for Nike SB available now :) Oh, also regs line of new QS merch should be available very, very soon ♥

Better than a ginger shot!* A quick jolt of Jake Johnson from the GX video to get your day going. (*Disclaimer: probably not better than a ginger shot health-wise, fyi.)

Shout out to The New York Times for using “Fat Kid Spot,” the spot’s proper name, in their article about the park’s reconstruction. Also shout out to the DOT for getting rid of that pesky bridge above the park. Set to open late fall.

Hard to tell exactly where upstate this video is based out of, but spotted a good bit of Rochester spots. “Friction” is a chill eleven-minute video filmed somewhere around that big ol’ state that sits above our small center-of-the-universe city.

It feels like this is the first year in a long time when the frontrunner(s) for SOTY weren’t completely obvious a month out from the award. Boil the Ocean weighs in on the contenders, although gonna have to disagree that the Snoop Dogg song from Away Days ever needed to be skated to. Nor does it alleviate the fact that Busenitz skates in German jk ;) The QS list is Tiago, Max and Daniel Kim duh.

Sometimes you just want to skate in front of Fanelli’s during the lunch rush yaknow? “Mean Streets” volume 4 via the LurkNYC camp is now live.

“You never know: You might say the word f*ggot walking down the street one day and some big old lesbian’s going to hear you, turn around, and punch you right in the face.” Awesome new interview with Brian Anderson that encompasses his entire career, conducted on the occasion of him joining the Anti-Hero roster.

Major pet peeve is websites who don’t post dates with their content, so not entirely sure how old this is, but Boardrap has an interview with the two minds behind The Bunt, both the QS News Desk and the QS Sports Desk’s favorite podcast. (Yo shout out to Grant Patterson for pervading usage of the term “nollie half cab” and F all of U who have a problem with it. Sincerely, everyone who skates at T.F.) The Bunt’s new episode with Kevin Lowry is also now live, btw.

Bobby DeKeyzer x Tumblr remix, or something?

A teaser for Sabotage 5, the last Love Park video ever.

Stuff You’ve Seen: 1) Johnny’s new one, “Sup World,” which signals a bowing out of #skatevideohouse and a sonic foray into the renewed #interest in hardcore shirts? I dunno. 2) “Sage & Sean,” via my neighbor Logan Lara. 3) Lakai AM nearly levels Chelsea jogger. Last week was probably the heaviest “What about so-and-so?”-week for #QSTOP10. Can’t win ’em all and apologies if your faves got left out.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Lol, Javale McGee is going to the Finals this year.

Quote of the Week: “If skateboarding ends today, you still have at least ten years worth of content about the good old days.” — Pryce Holmes

Shout out to ♥ Josh Velez and Torey Goodall ♥, two of my favorite skateboarders on this earth who celebrated birthdays in the past week. Love you guys xoxo.

Should I Bounce?

water street

Kneepads. Photo via Science Versus Life’s Instagram.

Thank you to everyone who purchased something from the webstore last week. We should be wrapping up with shipping orders next two days. If you haven’t received a shipping notification by Wednesday [to the email you ordered with], feel free to shoot us a message. Still some stuff left on there, and as always, at your local skate shop.

The Cell Jawn #25 hammer heard around the world, in loop form.

“Nobody’s Alley” might be the best LurkNYC video to date. Still with the VHS cam and a majority of footage in midtown and lower Manhattan. Although varial flips have been the “coming back” for half-a-decade now, between the ones in this video and Antoine’s in the Dime Vid, they might have entered a new dimension of 21st century form.

On the opposite end of the spectrum to the Helas camp, but just as crucial to the current #moment for Frenchmen in skateboarding, the new Blobys mini video is also maybe their best yet. Even better than an Instagram comp! :)

Quick review on the Adidas video via Monster Childrens. (Spoilers.)

There it is: the first warm weather clip to “One Dance.”

Todd Taylor’s The Graduate video is a good time, and also has a Philly Santosuosso part at the 7:25 mark.

New part from J.B. Gillett in the second half of this #mallgrabvideo section, and a good batch of new footage of Jesus in this Barcelona montage.

Something heartwarming about seeing Beer Bar footage in a 2016 skateboard video. Zach Moore’s Transplants part is now live, with a second-to-last trick at the place we wasted substantial early teenage years at :'(

Kerry Getz talks first boards, first sponsors, and first kickflip down the Love Gap.

Mini part via Joel Meinholz for Bones Bearings to some Miles Davis.

This might be months old “news,” considering that with a heightened Columbus Circle bust, midtown motivation has been tough without some semblance of a safe bet, but the C-list midtown chain and pillar spot across from the Lipstick Building is no more.

QS Sports of the Week: This billionaire’s facial expression is basically the only visual you need to sum up Steph’s season.

Quote of the Week: “Why did you rent us Bam’s house?” — Pryce Holmes

Our bud Shrimp C up in Montreal recently started up a radio show on Second episode below. Good listen if you’re in the mood for some raps.