Pete Thompson / @peetigga is the best skate photography Instagram going right now. Tons of unseen late nineties and early 2000s shots with many familiar faces. Stevie @ SF’s Third and Townsend bump from that archive ;)
An hour-long skate nerdery-laden conversation with Michael Carroll.
Life is goodie.
Diamond Days #80. That curb next to the Williamsburg Bridge is the new hot spot, huh? I dunno man, I’ve been away :(
“Resurgent bowls, abrupt transitions and even the vert ramp seem to have splintered handrail skating into restless and nomadic tribes, including displaced wallriders, wall-rejecting against-the-grainers, deep-crouching over-the-toppers, body varialing rewinders and a Mariano-bred stripe of small-bar uber-tech.” Boil the Ocean on handrail skating’s midlife crisis.
An interview with @Koolmoeleo, the guy who-more-or-less took the reigns from Chromeball as the leading skateboard magazine scanner on the internet.
Quadruples down the Stuyvesant Town rail.
Bronx-heavy clip with a Watermelons cameo and avant garde pants supervision.
Bobshirt interviewed Jahmal. (Chill shot of Jahmal in the Thompson archive, btw.)
New mini video from Cooper Winterson with a lot of still snowy streets, Welcome boards, and cutty New York spots that pretty much nobody else skates.
An unexpectedly high volume of Londoners are good at kicklip backside noseblunts.
Westgate ollies over a car and wants you to buy trees.
Congratulations to the city and skateboarders of Montreal on the full legalization of skating at Peace Park. “You have to be mentally strong to skate Peace Park.”
Meanwhile, in New York. Whatever, see you this summer, Europe.
So the diamond-plate bank on Grand and Centre Streets that everyone gets stuck at for way too long at least once every half year is a wrap.
Derrick Rose Pulls Off Perfect 720 At Local Skate Park.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This post-playoff elimination Russell Westbrook YouTube mix with 60 views. It’s just not fair man :(
Quote of the Week: “I missed my flight one time, so I made myself take the A train back home from JFK as punishment.” — Sweet Waste
Though The Barter 6 has dominated the majority of rap-related conversation this past weekend, allow us to remind you that the QS Rap Desk’s favorite happy rap group has a new one over on Live Mixtapes. Travie’s had a quiet past twelve months, and it’s sad they weren’t allotted a Rae Sremmurd-esque super producer co-sign in like ~2010, but they’re still the go-to when you get sick of rappers telling you they’re gonna shoot you in their Alexander Wang gear. Praise be to happy rap music :)