Was under the impression that Beta Blockers would be A Small Palace Video — maybe because it’s August and the skate media mental calendar often saves the year’s blockbuster releases for the holidays — but no, Beta Blockers is A Big Palace Video spanning the whole team, and at a Palasonic-equivalent runtime. In August! What a world.
Tag: Pedro Attenborough
Bomb Cyclone
QS x The World’s Best Griptape™ is a good home for your Christmas $
For a more curated best of 2022 run-down than our crowd-sourced one, Boil the Ocean is in the midst of its annual top ten list of the year’s finest video parts. Jahmir , Elijah
and Diego
Simple Magic ran down a list of the year’s best skateboard writing. Shout out for the nod on Frozen in Carbonite’s griptape piece from June, and Ian Browning’s L.E.S. Park profile from August.
The Skate Muzik podcast also dropped its year-in-review podcast running through notable #musicsupervision selections from the past 12 months of skate videos. Shout out to the Louke Man song from the Limosine edit.
Now is the Winter of Our EuroTech — On Hélas’ “Fellas” Video
Words by Frozen in Carbonite
Winter. A time for contemplation. Way back at the season’s inception, The Hélas Cap Company dropped the most essential EuroTech document since Lordz’ They Don’t Give a Fuck About Us: the double-DVD skate video, Fellas. I, for one, welcome the current Instagram era if it results in fucking immaculate physical media packaging like the aforementioned. The film comes in a double-CD case like a musically bloated late nineties double album, the track listing printed on each gold disc (the same kind on which your grandfather listened to classical music.) If you no longer own a digital video disc player, it’s also available as a USB keychain fabricated like a lil’ soccer uniform. Truth be told, I’d probably pay triple to avoid watching this or the Pass~Port video part-by-part, on a bunch of different web sites, or both.
Pedro Attenborough’s ‘Fellas’ Part
Hélas’ multi-“disc” Fellas video has revealed itself to be something of the Wu Tang Forever of European skateboarding in 2019. Yet out of all the places they could’ve put Jesus and Javier’s guest tricks, they rightfully picked Pedro’s part.