A billboard above Popeye’s Ledge. A dream come true
Kind of knew this day was only a matter of time given how bad the cracks are getting. Community Board 3 held a meeting that laid out a plan for repaving Tompkins next summer. Though it is not a hard date just yet, it looks like the court we all skate will be closed for up to three months while the asphalt cures. Doesn’t seem like they are pulling any silly shit like they did with the turf in 2019. (But they are ending softball permits!) Shout out to the lady who pulled up to the meeting like, “How have you gone talking this long without mentioning the skaters?”
The official Thrasher recap is sure to drop mid-week like it does every time, but people on YouTube already compiled an eight-minute 2022 Dime Glory Challenge best-of.