Shoddy WiFi & Palace at Venice


In the age of 90-million-skate-videos-a-day, Palace videos are one of the sub genres of skateboarding that demand immediate consumption. Ironically, they always seem to drop when first world problems are rife for being problematic: it took me an hour to get through the six-minute “Reebok Loop” because I watched it eight seconds at a time as it loaded on in-flight GoGo Wifi, and the QS office premiere of Paramount involved a mobile hotspot and a Blackberry screen. Imagine bumping into a fellow skateboarder within an hour of the new Palace video dropping and you draw a blank on the day’s most pertinent talking point? Sounds like a nightmarish knot of anxiety.

V Nice, the company’s tribute to the most New York-ish L.A. non-spot in all of L.A. and Venice’s general iconic-ness within skate lore, was no exception. We watched half on Johnny Wilson’s iPhone in the rain, and the other in 45-second intervals via below-average hotel wifi. But like the old saying goes, if your biggest problems involve a start-and-stop premiere of Jamal Smith following up the most talked about Instagram video of 2016 with a full part in the same week, then you’re doing pretty good ;)

Also, a nollie 180 on flat is a really underrated way to start a line.

Also, watch this four-year-old PWBC iPhone clip if you haven’t in a while because it’s still the fucking best xoxo.

Look Alive


Photo via Matt Weber

Love Park is still skateable!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, somebody unearthed this good bit of footage from a 1994 Love Park contest featuring Huf, Ricky Oyola, Matt Reason, Fred Gall, Andy Stone, etc. Remember when contests just involved jump ramps?! “Yeeaahhhh.”

An interview with Dick Rizzo and Josh Wilson, two prominent figures keeping the rich tradition of New Jersey skateboarding strong in 2016.

Dave Carnie was always everyone’s favorite Big Brother writer, and has probably written more enjoyable words about skateboarding than anyone else out there. Kingpin published the most detailed interview anyone involved with the publicity blitz surrounding Shit has given, with none other than…Dave Carnie. “You know how when you go to an abandoned house and you just start breaking shit and throwing rocks at windows because you can? That’s pretty much what we were doing.”

Better Skate Than Never put all the Lucas Puig #deepcuts in one place.

Genesis Evans & Jason Byoun skating around Tribeca. DANY video soon.

Someone combined all the outtake clips from Bill Strobeck’s IG for a single vid.

Quick minute-long clip from Cooper Park via Johnny Wilson and co.

“Fifteen years since Rob Welsh nearly single-handedly rescued the noseslide from that doomed scrap pile of tricks too basic for blocks and too ‘Muska’ for handrails, a new era beckons in which legs weary from four presidential terms’ worth of pop-outs are offered respite…” — Boil the Ocean on noseslide shove-its and the rise of “dad tricks.”

An interview (+ new clip) with the crew behind Canal Wheels.

Yo Darkstar x Harley Davidson is fire.

Just in time for summer: Sremmlife 2 available June 24.

Spot Updates: 1) You likely stopped caring four years ago, but the Banks won’t re-open until November at the earliest. 2) You likely never cared unless you’re Austyn Gillette, but that bump to wall on Lafayette and Howard is a wrap.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Something still feels off with the east being more exciting than the west for the first time since the “Lebron has no rings”-era, except everyone knows that Spurs-GSW are the real “Finals” in as much as Lakers-Kings in 2002 were the real Finals. Hopefully no poisoned room service. Wasn’t an eventful first weekend though, but Jamal Crawford still ripping is kinda like J.B. Gillett still ripping. Understated, underrated and classic.

Quote of the Week: “Ever since I moved to New York I got worse at skating and better at drinking.” — Jesse Alba

Get well soon Weiss.

#TRENDWATCH2015: Trash

gilbert trashy

Truth be told, nobody did the line with a towel-in-hand as good as S.A.D. twenty years ago. Connor Champion already elevated the bottle-in-hand line by having said bottle switch hands depending on which stance he was skating. The canon of tricks in the rain is too deep to bother breaking into. (Actually no, Matt Schlager is the only entry there — sorry Duffy.) Andre Page looked cooler than you ever will skating in the snow. Even with 95% of modern skateboarders suppressing regrets that they never applied to fashion school — how fresh or #weird of an outfit could you possibly have to leave an imprint in the jaded viewer’s mind c. 2015?

As we descend deeper towards PornHub levels of skateboard content, the spice rack of how to liven an everyday trick is getting slimmer. There aren’t many shortcuts to our memory bank because we’ve seen everything.

According to the EPA, the average American produces 4.4 pounds of garbage a day, which tallies to 1,600 pounds of garbage a year. That trash ends up in a landfill and is sadly not used for #creative purposes. We have skated over garbage for as long as the ollie has been around, and even on garbage for as long as conceptual web videos have existed. But what about with garbage? We’re constantly being called “garbage” by the women in our lives, so why not begin to embrace it?

In 2015, the easiest way to pierce into the short-term-memory-loss-laden brain of your average guy who watches skating on the internet is to skate with some trash stuck under your board. There are plenty of lloonngg back lips to go around, but it has been years since we’ve remembered one that didn’t have a piece of newspaper wedged under the wheels. And what other explanation is there for the fact that after 68 minutes of Love Park lines in Sabotage 4, two of the most memorable ones incorporated litter?

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Tryna Skate Some Flat and Eat Caviar

another one

It’s that time of the year again when Khaled goes skateboarding.

Before you read anything in this post, please donate whatever you can (even $5 helps) to Kevin Tierney’s new knee fund. We’ll consider it a personal favor.

Guess the word is out on this one. Proud to say QS will be releasing a ten-year anniversary book on Powerhouse this fall, entitled TF at 1. It’s a fun look back at the past decade give-or-take of the extended family that surrounds this website. More details later this year. Keep an eye out for snippets on Instagram.

Jamal Smith tests out Stevie Williams’ DC pro model from ~2001. Possibly the best skate clip of the year. “Stevie, don’t fuck me up when you see this.”

The new Sabotage 4 trailer is great. Includes a full Dylan Sourbeer part.

The list of people who look as good as peak-era Rob Welsh on a skateboard is in the single digits. Also, since skateboarders love rappers from the nineties so much that we’re still editing to songs off The Sun Rises in the East fifteen years after Static 1 came out, you guys might be interested to learn that a lot of those rappers are still making music in 2015!

The Iron Claw crew opened up a new shop in Bushwick called Rollgate Skates, which buys, sells and trades skate gear. 867 Broadway in Bushwick, by Broadway-Myrtle J.

Bust Crew has been posting some chill IG clips of their trip to New York. Just when you thought there were no new ways to skate the Chinatown manual pad

Dave Mayhew still rips. “The whiteboys be like totally.”

The 2014 Thrasher Skater of the Year on not having an Instagram.

“In terms of visibility and reach, the Thrasher part gives the skater the prime-time spot, and to have one of these nowadays is almost like being a contestant on America’s Got Talent that made it to the next round. Everyone gets to see your part for that day, but next week there’s a whole other round of contestants to replace you.” SMLTalk with a funny one about the most awfully titled Thrasher parts. “The Raybourn Identity” is insane, though we called something “Djosh Unchained” before, so…

Sidewalk has a pretty in-depth and candid interview with Austyn Gillette about life since suffering a double knee injury a year ago.

New Jersey handrail skating circa 1999 oh yeah.

R.I.P. to the Pigeon Shit Double-Set on 40th and Broadway. It lead a terrible life.

Here are the TWO winners of the Jason Byoun remix contest. Considering both of them incited equal amounts of laughter, it wasn’t fair to just let one win. Check your emails. Make sure to watch the first one through the end :)

Quote of the Week: “Fetty Wap is like Willie Nelson.” — Corey Rubin

New Future drops on Friday.

DJ Mustard For #SOTY

leo gutman kickflip

2013 Q.S.S.O.T.Y, Leo Gutman – Flip kick. Photo by Mike Heikkila.

Hjalte Halberg with the noseslide of the year.

Johnny went HD. VX is [officially] dead. It was all good just a week ago.

The full story of how the Santa Monica Courthouse became a legal skate spot. Small banks restoration one day? Or does that make *too much* sense to ever happen?

Village Psychic has a #listicle of the ten best switch backside flips A.K.A. what Reynolds may or may not have once referred to as “the hardest trick.” It might be less of “the hardest trick” and more of the hardest trick to do well i.e. not have it horrendously barrel roll one inch off the ground to a standstill landing, thus discouraging anyone from publicly trying to get better at it.

Dudes in San Jose love khaki cargo shorts.

Rory Milanes is turning pro in 2020 when the Palace video comes out.

Enough with dudes skating in suits for videos filmed with fancy cameras. That shit was maybe cool once, and even that’s pushing it. With that being said, it is cool that Arto Saari got a pass to skate inside the Helsinki airport. You can file that under things that will never ever ever ever ever happen in the U.S.

The inventor of the tornado spin is still a leading quarterpipe innovator in 2014.

Somebody ollied the bump-to-bar at Wavy’s. (Not the best angle though.) He also grinded the Philly step before it. We might’ve had conversations about how Luis hypothetically wouldn’t even ollie that thing. We’re dumb.

Got to respect these guys for A) Basing ~75% of their “Summer Trip to New York” clip at the T.F. and South 5th monument plaza / proverbial Williamsburg T.F. and B) Not skating a single ledge over a foot in height throughout it.

Japan’s Rua Magazine has a video interview segment with Jahmal Williams from when he was out there for the Static IV premiere.

Billy Waldman is building an ark out of solar panels.

Quote of the Week
Observant Gentleman: “I wish I was fat so I could skate pools well.”
Alexander Mosley: “Fat people skate transition better, but there’s a lot you can do that they can’t. You’re not gonna see a fat person doing backside 180 nosegrinds.”

That Brooklyn Lockwood spot is allegedly harder to skate than actual Lockwood?