Slouching Towards T.F.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on the QS one-spot map. Going to try and keep it as up to date as possible. Funny how practically the same day we went live with it, there was a new part filmed entirely at the Dylan monument spot in Berlin, and one at the Herbis plaza in Osaka. (Portland sources seem to say that the new Silas part is filmed at two spots, thus failing to qualify for the metric of being able to pinpoint it to a single location.)

Thrasher dropped an extended IGTV raw edit of the T.J. footy from the last lil’ Instamix that came out alongside his lowtop shoe. Wow, obvs.

Ben Kadow has a new Hockey part filmed pretty much entirely in the city, on insane spots that seldom register as “spots” to us normies, e.g. the 5050 bench ollie at Central Park, the perpendicular drop in boardslide, et al.

All the Streets Are Silentthe documentary that was supposed to be about Zoo York’s Mixtape video before sprawling into a much bigger project — arrives in theaters this week.

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Tompkins is back, Nik Stain is pro. Happy summer. Photo via Caleb.

“Ahh the banks at the Jamaican embassy… Iconic spot, great spot, fun spot. Quick bust of a spot though… so the fact that you guys have a little group with a campfire going…”

Someone made a twenty-minute super cut of Tyshawn footage.

“I will do anything for skateboarding. This episode can save lives, it creates communities. It’s the closest thing to music, and the coolest thing about music is that there’s no place on earth where it doesn’t exist.” Skateism has an interview with Buddy and Rick about making the LGBTQ+ episode of Love Letters to Skateboarding. There is also a supplementary “Love Note” with Cher Strauberry and Barker Barrett about how to be a better ally.

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My Favorite Skater Got A 5S With The Screen Cracked

R.I.P. Shorty’s, a place that showed the world the positive power of skateboarders adopting a forgotten corner of the world, and being left the hell alone in it. QS is hardly a transition skating-based enterprise, but there was something magical about each and every visit we took out there, even if it barely involved skateboarding on some days. Grateful to have been a part of it in some tiny way. Thanks to Andrew and all of the boys, and best of luck on the next chapter.

The Orchard boys have some nice items on eBay to support the Roll For Rob fundraiser.

It has been a slow news week out there. Links to Instagram clips: 1) The front noseslide on a foot-and-a-half high ledge heard around the world. 2) The double heelflip in Spiridons currently reverberating around the world. 3) Jake.

“You wanted a skate shoe that you and Sheffey could go to the club in.” “That’s the goal, yeah.” A lot of guys who started brands give interviews about starting brands, but Sal Barbier is a guy who you should listen to if you want to hear a guy give insight on starting brands. Thanks for the shout out man ♥

I’ve heard friends who don’t skate anymore and barely follow skateboarding say Jamie Foy is their favorite skater. Can’t knock that one. He’s got a couple New York clips in this Jenkem video of a recent Diamond trip.

“Does US sports apparel manufacturer New Balance and its ‘Tricolor’ executive production team deserve credit and reciprocal shoe-purchasing decisions for coaxing forth the most complete PJ Ladd video section since the Iraq war’s onset?” — Boil the Ocean re: the rumored-to-be PJ Ladd part in the upcoming New Balance video.

We let Crazy T take over the QS IG story last Thursday, and couldn’t let the fun fade into oblivion after 24 hours. Still watch the Eminem video five times a day.

Hockey has a 30-second commercial to commemorate Ben Kadow turning pro.

So glad to see friends from Vine shredding New York on other video sharing platforms.

Thanks to everyone who supported the QS For Street Machine project. Some stuff still left on the webstore. Anyone who ordered over the weekend should be getting a shipping confirmation in the next 24-48 hours :)

Quote of the Week: “Lil’ Uzi is rap Blink 182.” — Pryce Holmes

Slllllloooooowwwwwww week out there guys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Same City, Same Tricks, Just Skating


Quartersnacks’ Canadian Headquarters

The Bunt Podcast has an interview with Canadian sweethearts Ben Blundell and Tyler Warren about crook shoves, getting beat up by “chongos,” filming for the upcoming Antisocial video, Clint Walker beef, etc. Made me #lol more than a few times.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that this Geoff Campbell part doesn’t have the most # Quartersnacks # trick selection ever.

Andrew Allen’s part in the new Hockey promo is absolutely incredible. Also features the first full Ben Kadow part since maybe \m/ ? Oh AND! Tino Razo did a heartfelt interview with Andrew Allen for Monster Children.

Transworld posted the photos and interview from Cyrus’ AM issue feature.

Here’s an annotated map of Pulaski by Jimmy Pelletier, one of the spot’s longest tenured filmers. “If you called 202-638-9511 on the other side of the pole, a homeless person would usually answer and you could ask if there were any skaters across the street. If they said ‘yes,’ you asked them to yell one of them over to the phone.”

The line-up and challenges for skateboarding’s greatest contest has been released.

“The general consensus with the politicians in Copenhagen is that this is a capital, it’s noisy, people come here to party, have a good time and we need to make the most of that. If it gets too noisy, then move to the country: this is a capital city. I’m not even going to take credit for that, it comes from the politicians.” Basically, Copenhagen is the fucking greatest, and we can’t have nice things in the U.S. #FDT

The New York Times did a feature on the Brujas crew up in The Bronx.

Everything You Wanted To Know About the Blobys But Were Too Afraid To Ask.

Johnny and co. at the new McCarren Skatepark.

An interview with the guy who answered the phones at World Industries.

“Are the recent techy stabs a sign that the tide finally is turning away from simplicity or just further fodder to an every-ten-years-tech-shoe fad?” Boil the Ocean re: the resurgence of tech-heavy skate shoes.

Cons put together a chill comp of Sage’s footage from their world tour.

John Shanahan and LurkNYC spent a couple of days in Montreal.

Quote of the Week: “That’s the good thing about skateboarding — it doesn’t really matter.” — Marcel Veldman
