No Blondes in Brooklyn

vx trash

Bill Strobeck throws his VX in the trash, Solomon finds it, Alien goes under..? Hmmmmm…

Still the best Alien Workshop video.

Considering Alien Workshop is responsible for tens of thousands of skateboarders enrolling into art / video / film school over the past two decades, some of you may get a kick out of this lost 8mm footage from the Photosynthesis era. If there was any justice in the world, SVA would owe AWS millions of dollars. With no Alien around, just watch the amount of skaters going to art school plummet. SVA is going under next.

Licking windows at 12th & A. So happy it’s back! :)

Muckmouth tracked down Justin Case, one of the forgotten names from the P-Rod City Stars era, and a guy who was pretty susceptible to rumors after Street Cinema. Glad to know he’s doing well. Dude was actually on Alien flow when his Logic 6 part dropped, which was a personal favorite. He was a 14-year-old with Kalis outfits and Pappalardo/Wenning nosegrinds, but a Cali backdrop A.K.A. your hero if you were in middle school at that time. He also has the most pun-prone name in skating.

Ollie one bar to superman the next may be trick of the year via the new LurkNYC clip.

The Belief Skateshop crew filmed a team clip at the new(ish) wooden spot in Long Island City. It’s mad photogenic b. Looks like the chunks that the Parks Department hacked out of all the ledges did a lot of good…

Once people get sick of doing no complys and slappies into grinds down hubbas, and some fashion forward skater decides to take a pass at making early grabs into grinds cool, you can thank some guys in Rotterdam for jogging his memory.

There are some REALLY big Dylan Reider fans out there, huh?

Kingpin with another Josh Stewart interview about Static 4. Word is that the DVDs should be available mid-June.

Quick Aiden Mackey mini-part with some second angles of his “cherry” tricks.

Guy Riza sighting @ 8:13.

Five tapes in five days from the Haha Funtime crew.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: 1) Since when is Steve Kerr the new Gregg Popovich? 2) Coaching doesn’t matter; the Knicks are garbage for the foreseeable future forever. 3) If you use “Kevin Love” and “New York” in the same sentence, you are a moron. 4) Despite looking idiotic for months, the Sports Desk’s Pacers-Spurs Finals prediction is looking slightly less stupid after Game 1. Like, what?

Quote of the Week: “Having ‘Most Dunks’ be your defining stat is like being the skateboarder with the most handrails in your part.” — Pryce Holmes on the Los Angeles Clippers

When is the new Travis Porter dropping? Need some Memorial Day Weekend music.

Snack Basel


Congratulations to Ishod Wair on being the first Thrasher Skater of the Year from New Jersey. (Side Note: Is Fred Gall just going to eventually get a “Lifetime Achievement Award” to make up for past wrongs a la Kubrick, Hitchcock, etc. never winning a Best Director Oscar?) There are always politics behind S.O.T.Y. (“You think you’re so clever for figuring that one out?”), but Ishod is a prime choice to strike a balance between what the kids like, and what the old nerds have left to still be hyped on in pro skateboarding. In other words, his appeal spans multiple generations. Going to go ahead and say his Sabotage 3 remix part is still his best part, and probably the best part of 2013, mostly because he looks best when he’s doing lines. We’re also partial to rap parts.

If you missed the web premiere of SB Chronicles 2, there is a 7 P.M. screening at Village East Cinema tomorrow (12th Street and 2nd Avenue.) Doors open at 6:45. The theater is small, so it is on a first come, first served basis. Flyer here. P.S. They’re going to play the QS “Best of 2013” clip before the video ;)

The new eight-minute Politic Skateboards promo, People’s Temple, is now online. Dave Caddo is the king of doing lines across an entire skate spot. A three-trick line at Con Ed Banks is nuts, given the ground there.

“The only way a group of guys are getting past a door is if they all have skateboards. (Note: L*ngb**rds or plastic boards are not applicable here.)” #NPBS

Our friend Mike Gigliotti put together a Vimeo bro cam clip of dudes having fun ‘n stuff. It includes a Miles Marquez part edited to Taylor Swift.

Detroit may have filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history this year, but at least skateboarding there looks pretty fun.

Yet another video blog segment from the Beef Patty squad.

This Casey Foley guy no complys over and down the three block on 135th Street.

The new Lurk NYC video, Loony Bin, premieres at 289 Kent on Thursday, December 12th. Doors at 8 P.M. Video at 9 P.M. New parts from Cyrus Bennett, Jason Byoun, and others. Flyer here. Preview here.

A Brooklyn spot that nobody really skated is a wrap.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Shumpert’s dunk was cool, Monta Ellis’ game winner was cool, but can we please get Nick Young on a team with J.R. Smith to form an irrational confidence super team? Watching the decisions they make would be more fun than watching any Knicks game from this season.

Quote of the Week: “Who would’ve thought there’d be a black American president before a black Skater of the Year?” — Guy Riza

This Mandela poster retrospective the Times posted is awesome, by the way.