Was tempted to call this a “bro cam” video, but it’s more. A lot of great skating here: “The 306 Video” by Neil Herrick features the 306 crew, and a lot of surprises along the way. Mostly city stuff, with a bit of upstate. The monster shuv 5050 on Courthouse was so sick.
Enjoyed this one a lot: “Lidocaine,” a seven-minute New York video by Robert Marohn. One of the great joys of watching local videos is seeing people find new ways to skate shit that buildings or the city recently skate-blocked — good bit of that in here, plus footy of the infamous 95th & Columbus brick bank spot.
Ewan Creed — who hasn’t put anything on his YouTube since The Bot Video 2 nearly four years ago (time is insane…fuck) — uploaded this montage of unused footy, with a part worth of unseen Mecca clips at the start, some young(er) Kyota footy, and other highlights from the era when the Broome Street median was a popping spot
You know how there’s that annoying yet massive subgenre of modern punditry that whines about how young people are entitled, lazy, don’t want to work, and all that stuff? Older skaters, often being the annoying bunch that they are, are guilty of similar infractions: “Kids only skate skateparks!” “Their footage all ends up on Instagram, it’s not special!” “Clothes!!!”
Bot Video 2 is Ewan Creed’s latest full-length video that invalidates all those convenient (and false!) tropes about New York skaters still too young to worry about paying back student loans. Filmed on the late 90s’ camcorder of record and peppered with Spirit Quest-lite camera tricks — while skating at actual spots (ok, they go to the Maloof Park once, but that place is so trash it’s not not a street spot) — the video is heartwarming evidence that simple street skating in this city is in good hands, regardless of what the old guys who skate Borough Hall for fifteen minutes once a month might insist while buying a beer at 3 P.M. ;)
Should be caught up with shipping web orders from last week by the end of today. Thanks to everyone for their support. If you don’t receive a tracking number to the e-mail you ordered with by tomorrow, feel free to hit us up. In the meantime, there’s still a bit of stuff left in the webstore, and we have updated our stockists page.
Have a hard time telling Roman and Marek apart sometimes, but the Primitive trip to D.C. and New York clip is pretty bomb, and a nice palette cleanser when you need a break from the “relatable” skating we post on here :)
Everyone’s always surprised to remember that Keith Denley still rides for Hopps, but nobody is surprised that Mark Del Negro now rides for Hopps. Jahmal cameo ♥
“When you feel overwhelmed, walk alone through the woods and forget your name, your title, your education and view yourself for what you really are — another mammal wondering why it is here but appreciating the fact that your civilization has not as yet been evaporated by a supernova.” — Got sidetracked reading a 2012 MIT commencement speech while doing this post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can pretty much skip the first half because you didn’t go to MIT, but the rest is a nice #mondaymotivation #riseandgrind #letsgetit #workflow moment.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: John Wall’s game winner was sick, and tonight is the most excited the Sports Desk has been for a game all post-season, but 87-year-old Manu Ginobli’s block on Harden takes it. He also dunked in the game yesterday and he’s 93 years old. It’d be nice if the Kawai thing isn’t serious :(
Love how half the skateboard internet re-posted this part like it was new, but yeah, it deserved a lot more burn when it first dropped. Watch Bleach in full here, and should someone upload a single of Mark’s Sable part?