Happy 1017

Go make some money today.

KCDC is releasing a video next month. Teaser here. The most exciting part, beyond the cast list (Dan Carrerio, Derick Ziemkiewicz, Myra Gallegos, Billy Mcfeely, Dan King, Rob Gonyon, Danny Falla, Bill Pierce, and what will inevitably be a plethora of cameos), is that the teaser was uploaded on the legendary Mark Markenson Vimeo account, home of the Sognar video.

Good news: The city fixed the ground at Columbus Park, but didn’t touch any of the skateable obstacles. Hopefully, they add some good benches.

Somebody does one of the more creative tricks at Marcus Garvery in this teaser for an upcoming Chicago/New York video. It’s cooler than the 957,573rd backside feeble grind probably being filmed there right now.

In other impressive local spot trick news, someone does a sick hardflip into that sketchy hill under the Long Island Expressway in this extras clip from the Dimestore video. It cuts out before riding into traffic, so it might technically not count.

Are Lakais ever acceptable footwear for aspiring NYC socialite-skaters?”

Pretty late on everything else, but in case you missed these:

Paulgar Blackberry cam montage featuring Brad Cromer, Jake Johnson, and Brengar at a karaoke bar. “Blackberrys are like the VX1000 of cell phone cameras, iPhones are HD.”

This brief profile on Autumn unfortunately does not run down any of the prominent nicknames of East Village skateboard staples, or call out any of the people who have slept there for prolonged periods of time.

First set-up, first video watched, first sponsor, and other firsts with the King of Flushing, Rodney Torres.

This shouldn’t be news to anyone, but West 4th is insane sometimes. Like, sketchiest-part-of-New-York insane, given a wrong night.

Quote of the Week: “I’m like the ‘Captain Save a Hoe‘ of skateboarding. I pick the worst possible spots and put too much effort into trying to skate them.” — Torey Goodall, in reference to skating this hell hole

Free Gucci.

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One Month Left…

Summer technically ends when school starts, but if you don’t go to school, science says it starts on the 23rd of September. Enjoy the next month…

E.J. has a photo gallery up on his site / portfolio that features shots of many modern day Tompkins legends, covering everyone from Slickie Boy to Jason Dill. On a related note, we are beginning preliminary research on our Tompkins Wiki / historical database, and are looking for volunteers or interns willing to be compensated in Westway drink tickets.

The homie Connor Champion from North Carolina has a sick new Mag Minute. One of the finest frontside crooked grinders in skateboarding today. He’s also good at choosing songs to skate to, hence the use of Petey Pablo and “Pourin’ Up.”

Frontside nosegrind down Black Hubba. Wait, what?

A Day in the Life of Eli Reed. There actually are a lot of ways to go wrong with dollar slices. Features BGPs from Matthew “I guess I’m the worst dude these days” Mooney.

This thing may be useless as a ledge, but someone should still haul across Third Avenue and blast a kickflip off the top.

Columbia seems like a good time, despite looking rough as hell to skate.

There’s a week left for donations to Allen Ying’s upstart magazine, 43, and only ~$2,500 left to go until the $20,000 goal. Donate now.

Haven’t been uptown in a minute, but Dane sent over a tip saying that the Morningside School on 122nd Street (three block / manual pad) isn’t skateable anymore due to renovations: “Everything is fenced of and boarded up (except the rocks that you can ride on.)”

Columbus Park has also been fenced off for construction. So far, it only looks like they are tearing up the ground, meaning that there may be a chance that the kinked ledge and whatever else would remain.

Between Amare and P. Rod “talking switch hardflips,” Wilson Chandler’s newfound interest in skateboarding (yeah, the “Kick Push” reference ruins it…a lot), and Landry Fields claiming he would have pursued pro skateboarding if not basketball, the 2010-2011 pre-Melo trade Knicks should contact Quartersnacks to do some consulting on a skate/basketball league if this lockout eats up too much of the season. Maybe we could even sign Steve Nash to veteran’s minimum…

Quote of the Week:When you go into bookings, you got to take mad sandwiches and put them under your hip so you have a cushion to sleep on the floor with.” — The Dread

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