Fashionably Late Links

cara delevingne dkny

Cara Delevingne gets “garbage fashion ad with a skateboard” Monday Links headline honors this year because she has good taste in cruisers, or, uh, “cookie boards.”

Happy second half of Fashion Week, guys! Sorry we could not procure a dedicated post in its honor this year. You could still check out past editions though.

For all the bums too broke to have supported a $10 video: Check out future New Jersey Senator, Jersey Dave (A.K.A. The White Corey Booker) in Outdated.

Pietrasanta, Italy, one of the epicenters of the marble industry, is making a skatepark entirely out of recycled white marble. Add the Italians to the #smart list.

Here are a ton of sick photos featuring tricks that appeared in Beef Patty.

A (previously unseen?) alternate long lens angle of Brian Wenning’s one-time “Most Important Switch 360 Flip Ever Done.”

A few notes on the incredible Marcus McBride Manolo Mixtape: 1) He skated to “Livin’ in the Bay,” which is the same song from the Lavar McBride’s Greatest Misses compilation part. It doesn’t do much to alleviate the chronic underuse of nineties Bay Area rap in skate videos (particularly when edited alongside identical eras in skating), but it’s cool he used “My Opinion” for the end section. When is someone gonna skate to “Sick Wit Tis?” 2) Do you think he just showed up to Pier 7 on random days and decided to try tricks over the blocks mid-session, or came to the spot intending to nollie back heel one? 3) One of the most glaring omissions from the nineties skate gear #listicle that was linked last week is blow up sport brand logo shirts, as exemplified by the black Starter shirt worn for the heelflip back 5050 down Hubba Hideout. (See also: Fila and Nike Air logo shirts in Keenan’s 20 Shot Sequence part.)

Grey Skate Mag interviewed Joey Pepper about South Bank, Huf and Aesthetics.

The switch crook in Zered’s new Spitfire commercial is kinda nuts.

Pontus Alv’s Parisian jump ramp clip for Converse has been getting some rave reviews. Even if its on the artsy side, it’s great to see a tradition that began with Goldfish, and continued into Yeah Right! get revived.

A summer montage from the young’ns via Kasper. They don’t leave the skatepark much, but at least they devised the most progressive use of a Citibike thus far.

QS Sports Desk: If some NBA administrator wanted to ruin the Knicks season, they could easily just drug test J.R. Smith every five games

Quote of the Week: “You guys are ruining benches that cost millions of dollars.” — A Fort Greene cop regarding two recycled plastic benches. Good thing he became a cop and not an architect.

The site has been acting up for the past couple of days, hence the late day update. Please leave a comment or send an e-mail/tweet/FB message/etc. if you notice any lingering errors. Thanks.

Silver Linings Spotbook


“Phi kappa Psi House off the chain Trippy!” — @money5000

Don’t forget — Black Dave is opening up for the one and only Mistah Don’t Play A.K.A. Project Pat at Santos Party House tomorrow night (Tuesday, February 26.) Doors open at 8 P.M. 96 Lafayette Street. Tickets are $20 at the door, $15 in advance. Dave also has a mixtape and music video Kids remake out too.

Vice has a new interview with Josh Kalis. He’s a Yaje Popson fan.

Fresh off a sighting in Sabotage 3 (at Love Park, nonetheless), Brian Wenning also appears in latest Habitat-heavy NJ Scum montage.

Every part should be so lucky as to receive a RI-MIX. It’s two months old, but we somehow just found out about it via Recordings of Boardings: Massimo Cavedoni re-edited to the Instagram genius, Badgalriri. Also, if you ever feel overwhelmed by the daily onslaught of Hella Clips and Skatevideosite, Recordings of Boardings is a great slower-paced alternative.

The Harlem Shake made it to Lenox Ledges. No, not the one from the G. Dep video.

Some wonderful person mashed up 40 minutes worth of bonus footage from the Girl and Chocolate tour videos of the past ten years to make a sick B-sides tribute mix. Has anybody called it “Better than Pretty Sweet” yet?

More good stuff out of Pittsburgh: Scumco & Sons rider, Dan Peindl’s part in Yunker.

Check the latest Skate Jawn montage with a perhaps first-ever line outside of the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

R.B. Umali talks about filming for early issues of 411, the Houston skate scene in the nineties, and Lennie Kirk’s “ignorant” tattoo.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week:You trying to get the pipe?”

Quote of the Week:You trying to get the pipe?”

P.S. When the previous Bronze video reaches 56,000 views, the new Bronze video will be released. Refresh its YouTube page 100 times a day.

The Events That Defined New York City Skateboarding in 2012: 25-21

The first installment of our yearly wrap-up series.

25. New York: Home of the Worst D.I.Y. Spot Ever Made

The New York D.I.Y. scene kicked off roughly ten years ago with the Greenpoint Volcano and has been growing ever since. Bondo barricades and Quikrete creations are sprouting up everywhere; the Swedish engineering at the B.Q.E. Lot and the Jersey City foundation stand as shining examples of more elaborate pursuits. However, the spot depicted above is perhaps the first obstacle (skater-made or not) to be so bad that even New York skateboarders, a group that absolutely *adores* shit spots, would disqualify as one. Most alarmingly, this appears to be part of a larger trend of horrendous and unnecessary concrete work in the city.

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Here’s To Feeling Good All the Time

Our two friends, Adam Abada and Zach Baker, are taking upon themselves the intensive task of skateboarding from Boston to New York (on non-cruiser wheels) starting later this week. Read more about the project on their website,, and follow the trip on Twitter/Instagram via @backstreetatlas.

Here’s a Cincinnati crew’s clip of a trip to New York. Features various Dobbin Block personalities. It seems that someone editing a skate clip to a song off the new Nas album happened quicker than everyone forgetting about it altogether. (“Oh Nas has a new album out? Is it in the ‘Best Nas album since It Was Written‘ category or the ‘Best Nas album since Stillmatic‘ category?”) Though to be fair, the clip is edited to one of Life is Good‘s better moments. The album’s highlight is him actually admitting he makes music for people stuck in the 90s.

Another early entry in the annual cycle of “Summer Trip to New York” clips, which usually lasts from late-July to mid-October. There’s a sick homage to Loki’s signature Astor Place move at 0:51.

Skateboarding over flood damage via The Weather Channel. *Insert skateboard documentary cliché about how “Skaters, like, totally see the world differently, dude.”*

Dedleg has a post up compiling the world’s greatest abominations of skatepark obstacles. Speaking of which, who’s the genius that built a concrete ramp up to a curb at the Fat Kid Spot?

New updates over at Phatstylez. A G-Man tribute, a Droors resurgence, No Limit gear and some other things.

In our weekly “Trip to Boston” link, Lurker Lou, Tyler, Kennedy Cantrell and the rest of the Iron Claw crew went up there to skate planets and eggs.

Brian Wenning has a new board company. If you were forced to make a decision, who would you rather skate for, Lockdown or Selfish? Jenkem Mag also has a new interview with Wenning about the company.

Watch Connor Champion’s part from the 2010 North Carolina-based YOUGOTTAGETTHAT video because A) He skates to Petey Pablo and B) He does a flatground kickflip in a line. Flatground kickflips in lines need to make a comeback.

Spot Updates: 1) The city removed the fat flat rails that were across the street from the Citibank building in Long Island City. 2) They knobbed another ledge at the Seaport. 3) Not sure how recent this is, but another mythological food establishment in downtown Manhattan skateboard lore has closed down. R.I.P. Wendy’s on Water Street. It now joins the ranks of the Fulton Street Burger King and the Water Street Burritoville.

Quote of the Week: “She’s hot, but she works at Alexander Wang, which is like working in a female trash compactor.” — Baptiste

Oh yeah. I’ve been known to drink a beer or two. But then again, I’ve been known to do a lot of things.”

Brian Wenning – Circa 2011

“We’re not out here acting like we drive Ferraris and shit…Buy American, baby!”

At least 20% of the content that appears on QS relates back to Photosynthesis somehow, considering that’s when the majority of the people involved here started skating. Therefore, this Epicly Later’d-ish catch-up segment with Brian Wenning is somewhat of a must-post. It should come as no surprise to anyone, but Wenning is completely done with professional skateboarding, and off Selfish. It’s still hard to tell whether or not Selfish was ever a real company, or just made up to start arguments on message boards. He has the newest Transworld laying on the table in one of the shots, so this is definitely recent.

It’d be great to see Wenning follow in the footsteps of The Great Governor of New Jersey, and reinvent himself into a second, more heavy-set life as a pro skateboarder, but the dude seems pretty over it. The deliberately depressing mood of the clip (completely music-less, and filmed in the most barren possible portion of a “hell hole” known as New Jersey) doesn’t help either. Interesting that the comments on YouTube for his DC Video intro hint at some sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Wish the dude all the best either way, lord knows hundreds of kids in New Jersey started (and hopefully still are) skating because of him.

On a more uplifting note…be sure to check out the ten-minute Lynyrd Skynyrd re-edit someone rigged of all Wenning’s footage earlier this year.