Save This Snack For The Morning

Spring QS goods arriving to U.S. shops this week. Gonna post a lil’ preview this week. Arriving internationally starting next week and onward ❤️ Online soon📷 via Patrick Buckley.

Closer has an extended cut of Louie Lopez’s footy via last year’s F.A. sesh at Tompkins, along with an excerpt from the interview Farran did with him.

Paul Young has a new video on the way starring Ben Tenner (that flick on the kickflip noseslide!) and Joe Russo. Hate that we’re already thinking about 2023 though.

Our friends at Andrew Skateshop in Miami got a feature in Vogue.

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The Best Skateboard Videos of the 2010s — QS Reader Survey Results

Illustration by Cosme Studio

This was the decade that the full-length skate video was supposed to die. We began the 2010s with everyone insisting that Stay Gold would be the last full-length skate video. Then, Pretty Sweet was supposed to be the last full-length video. Some people thought that Static IV would be it — the end, no more full-lengths after that. But I feel like I heard someone say Josh was working on something new a couple months back? Idk.

The experience might’ve changed. We’re not huddling around a skate house’s TV covered in stickers to watch a DVD bought from a shop anymore (if this past weekend is any indication, it’s more like AirPlaying a leaked .mp4 file via a link obtained from a guy who knows a guy), but the experience of viewing a fully realized skate video with your friends for the first, second or twentieth time is still sacred.

Just as we asked for your votes for the five best video parts, we did the same for the five best full-lengths: if you could choose the five videos that defined the 2010s, what would they be? The results were a bit more surprising than the parts tally in some ways, given that it felt like independent, regional and newer, small brand videos dominated the decade, yet Big Shoe Brands™ and Girl + Chocolate still made their way into the list. The top-heaviness of some companies or collectives was less of a surprise, in that certain creators loomed large over the 2010s.

Like the installment before it, this list is sans comment for 20-11, and then via favors from writer friends for the top ten: here are the twenty best skate videos of the past ten years.

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December is a Sketchy Month™

A. Vega by M. Heikkila at B. Nine

“tis the season…for skating Seagram because the security window’s view of the ledges is obstructed by giant Christmas trees :)

Someone ollied that Vespa bump-to-bar that T.J. did in “BLESSED”the other way.

“People always ask me about that day, but honestly, it was truly terrifying…Like, what better thing to do than go skate around? Sure, it’s kind of a frivolous thing to do under those circumstances, but at the same time, that’s the point.” Chromeball talks Mike O’Meally about skating in New York on September 12, 2001 + gets the stories on a bunch of his photos, many of which were shot while living in the city.

New York magazine’s food site, Grub Street, did a feature on Tyshawn’s restaurant in the Bronx. #TJSOTY.

Watermelonism has a fun edit up from an old QS trip to Medellin, an immensely underrated skate destination. Alex is also offering 25% off all the stuff in the Watermelonism webstore for QS readers if you use the promo code “Quartersnacks” in the next 24 hours ♥

“As designer and architect, everyone always asked if I wanted to design skateparks, but I was always kinda annoyed by that question. I love skating skateparks, they’re fun, but I never thought about that.” Solo has a sick interview with ant colony aficionado, Alexis Sablone. Fully wanna try the walnut thing next time I see some ants…

Filed under “videos you wish were longer than the minute-long Instagram limit” — Bronze posted some extras from It’s Time, and 917 posted a quick edit of assorted loosies on IG as well.

“Some seen, some unseen.” Five minutes from NJ Scum’s DV tape archive.

Boil the Ocean offers up a review of “BLESSED” + some thoughts on “a new gilded age for skate videos.”

Yonnie Cruz and Vincent Alvarez share a cruisey half New York / half L.A. part for Theories’ collaboration with Lakai.

Marc Suciu, Franky Spears + Silas Baxter Neal have a new road trip edit, which starts in New York at the maybe now haunted Citi Field Benches

Maybe the best part uploaded from the Buffalo-based Jeb video so far: Justin Grzechowiak’s section is a nice reminder that upstate New York should probably be on par with Boston, D.C., et al. as a get-out-of-the-city destination for us all, but I’m sure upstaters would prefer it staying the way it is hehe.

Here is Philly and New York-heavy friends section from the Clusterfuck video.

Skate Jawn built a short-lived box over the stones at Blue Park back at the start of the summer, and just now got around to posting some of the footage from the contest they threw on it.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: James Harden, Defensive Player of the Year. Who woulda thought ;)

Quote of the Week: “Mark Suciu shouldn’t be in S.O.T.Y. contention until he reads more women authors.” — Shrimp C

I’m sure there’s like a twenty-page Slap thread about it, but Matt Rodriguez was really on one in preceding a lot of the shit that would become popular practice in 2014-2018, especially for a lot of office favorites. (Maybe the same could be said about that entire 2005 I-Path video in general.)

An Interview With Bill Strobeck About Supreme’s “BLESSED” Video

Photo by Jared Sherbert

Keeping an almost three-year-long video under wraps — especially in the social media age — is next to impossible. Except all things considered, nobody really knows what to expect from Supreme’s upcoming “BLESSED” video, which comes at the tail end of a year already stacked with incredible full-lengths. We tried to extract as much as we could from Bill about the process behind the video, the legacy of the last one, and where they had to go from there.


Skateboarding seems like it moves faster each year. Between “cherry” and today, has any change in skating really surprised you?

I don’t know if much has changed in skating. All the social media stuff was going off when we were doing “cherry” already. It’s so crazy to make a video like this for two-and-a-half years, watching all these other videos come out while you’re filming it. You’ve got so much more to think about. Before, you weren’t worried about if somebody is gonna do tons of psycho shit at the spot that you just filmed something at before you have a chance to put it out.

Would you be watching new videos with that in mind?

Yeah, before the next trick comes up, I’ll be thinking, “This dude looks like he would skate the same kind of shit we were at.” Now, even if somebody posts of a photo of a spot, people might see it and think, “Oh, I forgot about that spot, let’s go there tomorrow.” We were skating this one spot for a while, and all of a sudden, somebody hit me up, like, “Dude, no one’s skated that shit for six years, and since you guys are skating it, people are trying to film there.”

Why do you think that happens? I’ll see it, too. A spot will have been sitting there forever, one guy tries, and it’s like, “Oh, you get 20 minutes,” then it’s in every video. It’s like a collective consciousness thing.

I don’t know, and I’m more into going to classic shit, you know? Like, if I’m going to L.A., I want to hit the school yards. In 15 or 20 years, people will still recognize those spots: “Courthouse, that’s New York, schoolyards are L.A.” They are going to rip out the little things that people hit, but in 30 years, those are going to still be here. I want what I make to last a long time. I’ve seen gnarly parts come out, but I just don’t like the spots.

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