Late Nite Stars Monument-tage @ The Williamsburg Monument

The world’s most densely populated skate scenes are no strangers to spot modifications. When oft-traversed spots get a lil’ dull, you can simply “edit” the spot — temporarily or permanently — to unlock a new dimension of possibilities.

The Late Nite Stars crew did exactly that at the Williamsburg Monument, a spot that has more-or-less looked exactly the same since the day that Bobby Puleo clocked the first bit of footage ever captured there a quarter-century ago. They took some sock money, and added in an assortment of Euro gaps, hips, and a hubba ledge [reminiscent of that baby one in Malmo that Connor and Josh love] into the spot’s centerpiece.

To the spot purists: it’s only temporary. Word is that the crew is gonna take the stuff out in the coming week, that is, if the Parks Department doesn’t get to it first.

To the “whoa I didn’t know that stuff was there”-crowd: hurry up, because it won’t be there much longer.

Filmed by Trung Nguyen, Chase Walker, Nate Hanson & Nico Marti.

Edit by Trung Nguyen.

Ramp build by Zak Anders, Jackson Anders, Chase Walker & Trung Nguyen.

Ramp painting by Andy Conte. Produced by Patrick No.

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