A lot of people seemed to have been expecting a Big Brand Video™. After all, this is a company that announced its first two marquee pro riders back in February.
But OD has all the hallmarks of a scene video — a distillation of the eight years since DANY. You have Antonio’s second part this month, yes, but you have also Kevin Tierney opening it, who is a Static alumn that has been a staple in every 2010s Bronze project. You have Brandon Scott James, with his first-ever full-on part after spending so many years pulling up with some of the best shit in Naquan Rollings’ edits, and being the local that any out-of-towner remembers from their visit to L.E.S. Park. You have a Charles Lamb part, a tech stalwart whose credentials date back to Metrospective and E.S.T videos. You have Josh Velez, who has consistently been putting out parts filmed on his off days for ten-plus years. You got a fuckin’ Billy Rohan cameo. You have Byoun …Byoun’ing.
Asked why put out this wide-net scene video when everyone was expecting the Big Brand Video™, someone qualified to speak on the matter said “it’s the prequel.”
“Prequel? Prequel to what?”
“To Hardbody.”
“It’s like The Hobbit. But you read Lord of the Rings first.”
Related: A Hardbody Video Premiere Recap