Dreaming of a Frog Christmas — Evan Wasser’s ‘Sk8 Prodigy’ Part

Without fail, every year, on the week when we open voting for the QS Readers Poll (voting closes in less than 24 hours!), somebody on social media is all like, “No! You have to do it later! My homie Lance from Manahawkin, New Jersey has a part dropping on the 15th that’s P.O.T.Y!” Then, a dozen other people with a dozen homies named Lance from their dozen towns across the world echo the sentiment.

Well, you’re all wrong.

We should’ve waited for Evan Wasser’s “Sk8 Prodigy” part.

It shocked us, it wow’d us, it woo’d us and it soothed us. Some in the office broke into cheers when he rolled off that Battery Park thing switch. If you have a crazy drop-in by your house that you’ve always wondered about — “Yeah, maybe one day, someone will try it” — chances are, Mr. Wasser did it in this part.

Can’t wait for the Nick Michel “Sk8 Prodigy” part next Christmas.

Related: How About Those Orange Shorts — An Interview With Evan Wasser

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