Favorite Spot With Andrew Allen on L.A. High

Photo by Andrew James Peters

So far, the “Favorite Spot” series has centered around main plazas in smaller city scenes, particular nooks in larger cities that particular skaters have an affinity for, and of course, recognizable pieces of skate ephemera now covered on real estate publications.

Farran’s latest is about one of the most storied spots in the capital of the skateboard world, recognizable to anybody who has seen a skateboard video these past thirty years. It’s no surprise that this installment ended up being the longest one ;)

Edit & Interviews by Farran Golding. Archival footage via… Cody Green, Benny Maglinao, Daniel Wheatley, Greg Hunt, Logan Lara, Jeff Cutter, Erik Hatch …there’s a lot this time, check the credits for the full list. Tried to clear everything to the best of our abilities! Photography by: Andrew James Peters.

Previous Favorite Spots: Max Palmer on the Canal Fountain, Dick Rizzo on Grants Tomb, Anthony Van Engelen on the Green Bench, Hjalte Halberg on Jarmers, Gilbert Crockett on Sun Trust & Downtown Richmond


  1. That was amazing. Love this series so much. A couple of ideas for future episodes….Ross Norman and Legislative Plaza, Charles Rivard and Peace Park or Rob Welsh and 3rd and Army.

  2. Dutchy + Dana combo at Eggs please. They haven’t been by to pick up their large iced xtra xtra in months.

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