The Joey O’Brien part is one of those “full experience” things that it’s tough to just choose a single clip from. Audibly said “what the fuck” at the ender even the second time viewing, too.
Intro via @ugqwamoto [link] 10) Victor Campillo via “COURS JUICE” [link] 9) Justin Sommer via Adidas’ “Home Court” video [link] 8) Jordan Queijo via OG.2000’s “Extra Terrestre” video [link] 7) Corey Glick via Foundation’s Star & Moon video [link] 6) Casper Brooker via IG [link] 5) Mason Coletti via Snack Skateboards’ “Once Upon A Time In Mexico” video [link] 4) Dylan Witkin via Foundation’s Star & Moon video [link] 3) Yuto Horigome via “The Yuto Show” part [link] 2) Julian Lewis via Foundation’s Star & Moon video [link] 1) Joey O’Brien via “Untitled 005” part [link]