We haven’t been doing much QS Sports Desk coverage of this mangled 2020 NBA season, but Bam Adebayo’s block at the end of Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals was the basketball equivalent of Lucas Puig’s flick on that switch flip front blunt. (Has there ever been a man who detested upper body garments as much as Lucas?)
This week turned into a massive dive for #deepcuts in what was a lively week on the Thrasher homepage. If you missed the Status video, it’s quite enjoyable. It is also insurmountable evidence towards Youness Amrani’s recent claim that American skate spots actually suck, because 90% of the shit in it is unrecognizable from other European videos, and all of it is spot porn.
Have a good one.
Original Clips:
Previously: September 11, 2020