Given the QS office’s love affair with the city of Copenhagen, we decided to link up with our friends at Street Machine to promote the romance in skateboarding ♥ Quartersnacks for Street Machine ♥ will be available this Friday, July 21 at Street Machine (duhhh), Civilist, Slam City Skates, Arrow & Beast, Ben-G, Lockwood and Labor. Also available on the QS webstore at midnight on Friday, E.S.T.
Rest in Peace, Cup and Saucer, which will serve its last bacon, egg and cheese today. Thank you for giving us a comfortable place to eat breakfast in the winter while everyone else is late to meet up. You will be missed.
Nobody skated the Banks in the years leading up to them closing, because like, they sucked. Seven years passed. People got really good at skateboarding. And now everyone skates at the Banks again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another promo for Bailar II at… dude you guessed it, the Brooklyn Banks.
Andrew Skateshop continues to push new wave Miami skateboarding with their new promo, “Loso,” which includes a full part with Carlos Mendoza from Drama.
“Robbie Gangemi unfollowed me on Instagram because I posted some flat earth shit.” The Bunt’s season may be over, but The Nine Club has a funny interview with one of skateboarding’s greatest storytellers, Vinny Ponte.
Antonio Durao with a Prodigy tribute at appropriately the best skate spot in Queens.
The always enjoyable 99 Percent Invisible podcast runs through the origin of the kidney-shaped pool, and how it came to give birth to early forms of skateboarding.
LurkNYC posted eight minutes of raw John Shanahan footage. Does anyone remember which part he skates off the rock and over the wooden bench a few hundred feet south of Three Up Three Down? Can’t find the footage.
The Theories site is posting listicles now ;) Following the news about Muni being renovated next year, they ran down five of the lesser known plaza spots in the U.S.
File the new Sour Instagram remix / full-length video as one of those unifying moments that got brought up by skateboarders from all walks of life this past weekend.
With tensions between the U.S. and Russia running high these days, let’s lighten the mood with some links from behind the former Iron Curtain! 1 — Hungary) Eastern Europe’s Most Productive Crew, the Rios boys, come through with a new one entitled “Visít.” 2 — Abkhazia) The guys at Absurd Skateboards have an uncanny ability at skating spots that look like they’re locations from a creepy horror movie. Their trip to the partially-recognized nation of Abkhazia is no different, although the mood lightens after the first song. 3 — Mother Russia herself) What Youth has a video essay / interview with Tolia Titaev about the Russian skate scene.
Boil the Ocean re: the skateboard deck’s immunity to inflation and genuine innovation.
Marseilles seems like a good time, albeit a bit violent.
Quote of the Week: “Sex minutes are like dog years.” — Chuck MVP
Logan claims that the 917 video is dropping on September 17th.

John Shanahan kickflip is from his DC Arrival part, which seems to have been stricken from the internet.
Here is the link to the John Shanahan kickflip.
Shanahan wack as fuck. Like all of a sudden everybody forgot this the same fool who a year and a half ago was rockin skinny pants and snapbacks. Fool is phony
Missed connection: one hollowen maybe around 2001; I saw you switch fs flip over the 9 stair handrail at the Brooklyn banks in a ninja suite.. It was rad.
(eyewitness proof* people always killed it at the banks)