Monday links on an unseasonably cool Tuesday. After happily spending two weeks away from a computer, some of this might be “old” by today’s internet standards. Bear with us as we get up to date.
Back from Europe. Congratulations to Torey and Ellie. We didn’t skate much out there, but this happened, which is better than any skateboard trick.
All outstanding webstore orders will be shipped in the next 24 hours. Shipping is back to normal. Buy some stuff, so the QS travel budget could begin to recoup.
Apparently, in our absence, a body got found in Tompkins, a new TF box got built, and some bar that people seemed to really like closed.
A large part of the reason we are contractually obligated to report Corey Rubin sightings is because he’s the only person we know who could murder a bowl in a QS shirt, thus fulfilling the website’s transition skating quota.
Frozen in Carbonite on the underrated Green Apple videos and “the Canadian Gino.”
Here’s Cathode in its entirety. Parts from Elijah Cole, Mike Powley, Bill Pierce and others. (Also, any info on when Solo Jazz goes online / for sale? Missed the premiere due to a wedding where the bride came out to Future “Turn on the Lights.”)
12th & A resurrected in bare bones form, the first pair of jeans that are possibly more bleached than Kalis and Wenning’s in The DC Video, and an insane boardslide down the Sunset Park 5-flat-9 rail (in the rain) in this Mango Milic and friends “Summer Trip to New York” clip.
One day, there will probably be a 5,000-word post on what “the new VX1000” really is, but an iPhone with a 4:3 fisheye seems to be the leading candidate, minus the bi-monthly $500 repairs, obvs.
Some unearthed footage of Andre Page skating New Jersey in the nineties.
Red Bull Music Academy has a cool article about the making of Zoo York’s Mixtape. Though it’s a lot of standard “the nineties were the golden era” fare, there are some good interviews and tidbits in there.
Joe Cups found these skate photos from the eighties in the trash at RISD in 1997. One man’s trash is another man’s blog post.
Not sure how old this is, but Galen pointed out a cool skate theory article about spatial appropriation ‘n stuff 4 da nerdz who are into that sort of thing.
Contrary to a hasty, Instagram-sourced initial report, the BQE spot is not completely done. Here’s an updated video report.
Quote of the Week: “The weed fucked up his generics.” — Shawn Powers on Slicky Boy
P.S. WhitePeopleNamedRickRoss.tumblr.com