Moving right along with our annual recap series….
Previously: 25-16
Just shy of the one-year anniversary of RESPECTFULLY, Chase Walker and the boys dropped “Shake It Does It Rainbow.” Though not as heavy on the footage from RESPECTFULLY stars Trung Nguyen and Zak Anders (Zak actually had a solo part drop with Chase two months ago…), but it does include what amounts to probably a parts-worth of footage from Kyler Garrison + a nice Alan Bell midtown cameo. Otherwise, there’s some trips in Paris and Miami, capped off with with what’s probably one of the last ever sessions on the East River Park Amphitheater ride-on ledge.
Summer isn’t over until you kickflip over your crew chilling in a hot tub, yaknow?
Fred & Paul • 📷 by Jersey Dave
The curved median ledge on Canal, just one block east of the Hudson River, has been one of those “why is this waxed?” mysteries for years. Everyone had always assumed BMXers or rollerbladers, and while that may have been the case for past years, Zak Anders (from RESPECTFULLY) lipslid it in his new “COW BOY” part, putting the first known skate footage of it to record. Appropriate that it would be across the street from what is still one of the most fucked New York clips that Brandon Westgate ever logged.
Peak-era Brian Brown was truly a magic talent on a skateboard. Joe Cups dropped an extended footy tape of his from 2004, a lot of which was in Vicious Cycle, but a lot of which wasn’t 😉 (The reigning S.O.T.Y. cited that part as one of his reasons for wanting to move out east…)
A time machine would be pretty dope. Most people think it’d be dope because you could buy Bitcoin for a dollar in 2010 or whatever, but that’s stupid. It would be nice to do a good deed.
For instance, it’s hard not to remember those overeager Parks Department guys assigned to Marcus Garvey Park back in 2006 or so — when it first got renovated into the spot that you know today — and everybody who spent the first half of that decade honing their flatbar skills at Tompkins was there filming feebles until they threw up. Those maintenance dudes used to trip hard when the spot was new. They would give the classic “you’re scratching up the paint, if we see you again, you’re getting a summons”-routine, only to give up a few years later.
Imagine how much stress you could have saved them if you knew the future.
“Look man, fifteen years from now, a young man in Tru Religion jeans with an Element board is going to darkslide around the curve while Natalie Imbruglia’s ‘Torn’ plays in the background. Enjoy these simple times while you got ’em. Don’t fight fate.”