When Quarters Cry

Just as promised

Kurt Havens, the Academy Award winning filmmaker behind 2012’s Twomanji video, is back with another full-length VHS / Hi-8 / old camera (?) project entitled Ballhog. It’s pretty much a vintage-tinged Bronze B-cam video from the past couple years, and features iconic parts from Mark Humienik, Billy McFeely, and Josh Wilson.

Gang Corp, Frog, Humble, The Skate Kitchen, and Hardbody all have spreads in the new issue of Japan’s Eyescream mag. Probably won’t do you much good if you can’t read Japanese (the Google Translate camera feature is sick though), but still rad to see nonetheless. Shout out to everybody.

Oh, and Genny posted the raw photos from the Humble pages.

Jesse Alba made a loving tribute to our #MCM, Nolan Benfield, and then Frog Skateboards went and posted some quick extras from their trip to China last year.

Show me, don’t tell me.

Damn, imagine wanting to skate the Veteran’s Memorial 12 that bad? ;) jk. Marco Kada covered a lot of ground across the city and outlying areas (who even remembers the last trick on the Jersey City Hamilton Park five block spot…Zered’s Vicious Cycle part?) for his rad “New York Nice Guy” part.

Habitat has a clip of Fred Gall’s final session at Shorty’s.

Listen to your mom, but also listen to Zalfa — who once ruptured his crank skating the Big O in Montreal, peed blood, went to the E.R., came out a few hours later, and shot a photo of Max Palmer while wearing a bloody hospital gown. He has an interview over on Skate Jawn. Don’t ever ask me who my favorite photographer is again.

“You know he’d get his mental health check and go straight to Ralph and drop two grand on a fucking moleskin pair of trousers or something.” Some Monday motivation for anyone currently living on a couch in an apartment they don’t pay rent for: Free interviewed Lev Tanju about all the cool shit Palace has been doing in London these past couple years.

There’s a Bobshirt documentary. Can’t tell if there’s new footage tho.

Some more Elkin extras from Leo Gutman’s 2013 Q.S.S.O.T.Y. run.

Old parts, new uploads: Connor Kammerer in Spirit Quest + Dustin Eggeling in Static 4. This is a really pointless observation, but it’s kind of wild that the last Static video is already almost four years old.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: And then Russ thought…”fuck that overtime shit.”

Quote of the Week: “My celebrity crush is Ali from Travis Porter.” — Pad Dowd

Can’t say the QS Rap Desk has actively been checking for new Wayne songs these past ~five years, so a bit “late” on this one (came out on Christmas), but wowwwowow.

There’s a fire remix video dropping on here tomorrow Wednesday ♥

Quartersnacks for Nike SB


Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski

Our capsule for Nike SB will is available today. It includes a limited colorway of the Bruin Hyperfeel in chill sandy suede, a longsleeve pocket crewneck with the classic Quartersnacks arch embroidery, and a Lambo wool coach jacket that your girlfriend is probably going to steal from you once she realizes you’re shining harder in ~pink~ than she is.

You can check out there digital lookbook at quartersnacks.com/nikesb. Photography by Zach Malfa-Kowalski and Will Robson-Scott. Creative direction by Alex Dymond.

For the collection, we returned to some of the increasingly seldom-seen spots responsible for this site’s very existence: FedEx, Italian Ledges, C.I.A. Ledge, and cutty corners of midtown only skateable at night. (Yeah, we still got stuck at T.F. West trying to film for this thing once duh.) For the second half, we turned northward, to the bastion of cultural export that has defined American life for the past six years, best known as Canada. Who knows, there might be a wall between us and our Canadian friends within the next four years too, so we had to get it in while we still could.

Thanks to everyone for their love and support on this project ♥

Video filmed by: Johnny Wilson. Contributing filmers: Pad Dowd & Rob Harris.

Features Daniel Kim, Adam Zhu, Connor Champion, Vincent Touzery, Cyrus Bennett, Andrew Wilson, Max Palmer, Josh Wilson & Nik Stain.

Alternate YouTube Link. Yes, Connor still skates with a boom in his hand.

Skate the Ledges


Brian Panebianco’s Instagram has been the go-to for all end of Love coverage. Respect to anyone who made it down there to skate in single-degree temperatures.


You likely caught it already, but Yaje went on a tear for his welcome part to the resuscitated AWS. (Yes, he’s still alive.) Malfa also posted all the photos from Yaje’s interview in this month’s TWS, although you’ll have to grab the issue for the text.

Pretty much all Morningside Heights + Harlem spots in this Mikey Perdomo remix part by Bluecouch NY, which is refreshing to see. Surprised more people don’t try barging a lot of the stuff on the Columbia campus beyond the bank-to-ledge. Ollie over the wall at Morningside School was a pretty wild and unexpected one too ;)

Flo is skating the Le Dome Hubba again. [Previously]

Said it before, but Tom Knox’s Vase section is probably the most re-watched video part around here since Reider’s Gravis comeback. For those just getting up to speed, Sidewalk gave a complete rundown of his video part history. (A notable early-30s nosegrind technician recently told me he preferred the 11th Hour part, so…) Thrasher also just went live with all his Vase extras and raw files. We’d remix it, but nothing on the new Boosie goes well with British skateboarding.

Bobshirt has a fifteen-minute video interview with Long Island legend and owner-of-a-famous-nose, Frank Gerwer. They talk about board graphics, Wallenburg, first trips to the Banks, etc. FYI: The Number Nine part he mentions can be found here. It has a good bit of cool early-90s midtown footage.

Raw footage reel via Matt Velez, Diamond Days #86 via Rob Harris (where’s the party for #100?), and another extended All City Showdown edit via Tony Choy-Sutton.

Village Psychic with a timely article on maintaining private skateparks on the east coast during the winter. I still never forgave whoever stole the plastic benches from the Fairway on 125th Street to put in that Red Bull park on N. 11th circa 2004.

Boil the Ocean re: skating’s willingness to re-embrace its wandering prodigals.

Oh no, is jump cut editing a la The Reason coming back? :/

Another preview of the Big Brother book. Labor had copies as of a few days ago. Not sure if they still do.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Russell Westbrook’s All-Star Game entrance. Also, to anyone talking about Carmelo trade rumors — stop. Just stop.

Quote of the Week: “Bernie Sanders is gonna win off memes.” — Martin Davis

Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday.

She Think It’s Wavy & Gnarly


Thanks for all the love for the ten-year. The book drops December 8. It’s really cool. More info soon.

Late one today, but late-day posts during #nyfw are kinda like a QS tradition ;)

Labor has Sabotage 4 DVDs. (Also ICYMI.)

2015’s version of skateboard literature’s longest running summer wrap-up is here: Dubai or Not Dubai – Frozen in Carbonite’s S.O.T.S. x P.O.T.S. post. “Indeed, using the most powerful communication medium of our time—Instagram—as a yardstick, following the most popular thirst trap accounts down an Instagram wormhole leads to a dark place where every comment is either in a foreign alphabet or ‘Come to Dubai.'” (P.S. Who the HELL is responsible for deleting that Tiago Lemos We Are Blood remix from FB? Someone please re-upload it. P.P.S. “Stick Talk” > “I Serve the Base” for Tiago maybe. P.P.P.S. Can confirm Future cuts the music off and puts his thumb in the air after the “I ain’t got no manners…”-part when performing “Stick Talk.”)

Malfa uploaded a lot of great photos from the “CORE” upstate New York trip.

Tim O’Connor interviewed Bill Strobeck for an hour-and-a-half.

Jim Hodgson uploaded a five-minute 1996 edit of QS cult-favorite, Andy Bautisa, largely filmed at QS cult-favorite skate spot, Lackawanna Ledges. (Relevant.)

Free Skate Mag has an article and some photos from a Palace trip to Paris that ended up producing a lot of the footage from Paramount.

Rob Harris posted a 13-minute throwaway reel with a bunch of footage from the M.P.C.™ guys, and Max Hull uploaded another video of their trip down to Puerto Rico (includes Watermelon Man sightings.)

Ten years prior to Canada’s current #moment, it had a smaller, more skate-centric #moment when videos like North were dropping. Village Psychic revisited the 2004 Anti-Social video from that era. (Anti-Social has a new one dropping next spring, btw.)

Youness is without question one of the top-three most impressive IRL skateboarders I have ever witnessed. Someone made an Instagram remix of his footage, and I’m sure he did it all in under five tries probably joking around.

Most of my friends rocked the Staples way heavier as far as Lakais went, but there was definitely a later cult around the Manchesters. SMLTalk has a requiem for maybe the last Lakai shoe to make an imprint in the skate footwear landscape.

The soap shoes documentary is finished!

The new Bust Crew video is basically a Mother / Quasi bro-cam montage, and that Gilbert back lip on the Kent Ave. step is super cool :)

Gonz kinda sorta tells the story of the original ollie over the eventual “Gonz Gap.”

Quote of the Week: “I don’t fuck with that ‘bros over hoes’ code. That’s some skater bullshit.” — C. Williams

March Madness

cyrus UN

Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski.

Cyrus is on Polar, Ben K is on 3D, and Steve Nash retired.

Found this podcast piece about “defensive architecture” with Ocean Howell really interesting (he’s an architecture professor now.) His points about developers positioning skateparks in rundown areas so they give way to gentrification seem to make sense. (Check where on the map the new Jersey City skatepark will be.)

An interview with Chad Bowers, former Alien Workshop team manager and principal figurehead behind Mother Collective about working for and starting a skateboarding company in…Ohio. “They forgot about the fourth coast.”

Nieratko interviewed Bill Strobeck on the occasion of cherry’s one-year anniversary.

#MPC: 1) HD video blog #9 from Johnny Wilson. 2) Max Palmer, Andrew Wilson, John Choi from Dime, et al. with one of the better clips from the now defunct Coda warehouse. 3) Some Paych second angles via Paul Young.

New Hi-8 clip (oxymoron?) with all the Bronze dudes.

Slam has a quick photo feature with the bro Rob Mathieson from his time in New York.

Hey, these guys like Virtual Reality Bump as much as we do!

There are some hot moves in this Evan Dittig part for Underground Skate Shop.

SMLTalk looks back the the first-ever skate re-edit contest. What up Jeremy.

Dunno what the deal with this blurry and dark Leo Gutman re-edit is (art?), but it was a good reminder to revisit The Brodies part that earned him Q.S.S.O.T.Y honors in 2013.

Even though he is quite obviously the entire QS office’s favorite skateboarder, it should be noted that Lucas’ slappy back smith IG vid was not the first known documentation of said maneuver on social media. This guy did it for the Vine back in January.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Nice to see J.R. Smith excelling in a city with minimal nightlife. Imagine him on the Thunder? He might become MVP.

Quote of the Week: “Tribeca is like the Equinox of skateparks.” — Connor Champion