The first QS Christmas clip with no Ziegfeld footage. 2011 had some sad moments.
Let’s start off by saying this clip, and probably every clip that will be posted on this website in the next fifty years, is not as good as the “Best of 2011” clip. Christmas clips are about capturing the spirit of the season, so our trademark music supervision has to restrain itself (last year’s rift between The Far East Movement and Coltrane was well-documented.) At least until Meek Mill or Future follow in Black Dave’s footsteps and release a Christmas album. 2011’s offering is a big shorter that past years’, but what it lacks in footage, is made up for by more sweatpants, camo pants, yellow track jackets, two (!) lines with just nosegrinds and 5-0s, sketchy landings, nollie tailslides, switch noseslides (both of those tricks are coming back big-time for 2012) than any other clip you may have seen this year. Usually, Roctakon is Quartersnacks’ best dressed (Galen in a 2XL UNLV baseball jersey over a 2XL turquoise Champion crewneck is a close second…), but everyone stepped up their gear in 2011.
Contrary to the mistake printed in the post for the teaser, this is actually our seventh annual Christmas clip, which is kind of crazy.
Features Alexander Mosley, Will Jones, Tyler Tufty, Emilio Cuilan, Andre Page, Matthew Mooney, Bill Pierce, Ben Nazario, Roctakon, Dustin, Kevin Tierney, Ty Lyons, Shawn Powers, Miles Marquez, Sweet Waste, Billy Mcfeely, Josh Velez, and Ritchard Swain.
Contributing Filmers: Goshi Goto & Rob Harris.
Alternate YouTube Link
It’s nearly 4 A.M., and I have to be at the Garden for the Knicks’ season opener in less than seven hours, so it’s time for sleep. (Predictions for the first day of the NBA? Knicks have a 60% chance of winning if Pierce actually sits out / no chance if he plays, Miami over Dallas because Dirk spent the last six months partying, Lakers over Chicago because Kobe spent the last six months wanting to kill someone, and Oklahoma over Orlando because the Magic are going to be a soap opera this year.) If you have a blog/Tumblr/legitimate website/Facebook page, please re-post the clip if you enjoy it, it would mean a lot. Merry Christmas.