Save This Snack For The Morning

Spring QS goods arriving to U.S. shops this week. Gonna post a lil’ preview this week. Arriving internationally starting next week and onward ❤️ Online soon📷 via Patrick Buckley.

Closer has an extended cut of Louie Lopez’s footy via last year’s F.A. sesh at Tompkins, along with an excerpt from the interview Farran did with him.

Paul Young has a new video on the way starring Ben Tenner (that flick on the kickflip noseslide!) and Joe Russo. Hate that we’re already thinking about 2023 though.

Our friends at Andrew Skateshop in Miami got a feature in Vogue.

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The History of T.Fs in New York: 2000-2015


How deep? Deep as the abyss. Photo by Gigliotti.

The other day, I met some people at T.F. West. After the hour-long pandering that goes on whenever the “where are we gonna skate?”-question is raised, some permit-wielding kickballers showed up. Outnumbered and frustrated, we left the park.

“So-and-so is at T.F.” An hour of half-hearted flat skating and aimless shittalking — it was not enough. We still craved a new chainlink cage with nothing more than flatground and maybe a trash receptacle to put on its side. We half-walked/half-skated the twenty minutes to T.F.

After a half-hour at T.F., a suggestion was made: “So-and-so wants to a try a trick over the can off the bump on 20th Street.”

The “bump” on 20th Street? You mean that small groove on the ground that just-maybe-kinda-but-kinda-not hoists you up? In an empty court surrounded by a chainlink cage? How did we get here? Three T.Fs in one day? We’ve been everywhere and back but I just can’t remember it all. What am I doing?

Here’s a complete history of how we got here.

2000: Alien Workshop’s Photosynthesis video is released. The second half of Robert Dyrdek’s part is filmed at a graffiti-covered indoor facility, which we later learn is called the “Training Facility” or “T.F.” for short. (This place later proved to be a blueprint for the “Fantasy Factory,” but that is a topic for another day.)

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