Max Palmer A.K.A. Loose Trucks Max — Bar Ollie via The Local Weather
The no comply into slide game is getting mad real, huh?
Chief Keith, one of the QS office’s favorite skateboarders, now rides for Hopps.
Quim Cardona reveals that he was originally supposed to play Telly in Kids, and then skates around Brooklyn and Manhattan in this “Asphalt NYC” clip.
Gino, Kenny, Koston, Stefan and Zered doing skateboard tricks in New York for fifty-four seconds. Gino even pushes in it!
The Alex Olson picnic table .GIF round-up.
Two of these things are skateable. Get on it, IBM.
Take a trip back to New Jersey and Philadelphia in 2005-2008, and realize just how long Brian Wenning’s impact on fashion in the region hung around for.
Some of the sickest-looking skateboarding continues to come out of Pittsburgh.
Is house music in bro cam clips featuring mostly skaters who are 25+ going to turn into a “thing?” and the new Diamond Days clip might technically be more #street than the one that was supposed to be their return to the streets, provided we are still treating Fat Kid Spot as a #street spot.
Snack Skateboards (no affiliation obvs) comes through with one of the better “Summer Trip to NYC” web clips to come out this year.
Boil the Ocean makes the case for the frontside noseslide being the most “picture-esque” of slide tricks, via a recent example by Brian Clarke. Though not a slide, we’re partial to the frontside noseslide’s cousin, the backside 180 nosegrind.
Kukunochi Corp. has some scans of a Swedish magazine article about Polar’s 2012 trip to New York. Lots of cool photos, though no English translation.
Sigh: Part Two.
QS Sports Desk Headline of the Week: Iman Thug shaved his flattop off. End of an era. (Does anyone else have a horrible feeling that Dolan is going to force some moronic trade that involves Iman this season?)
[Anonymous] Quote of the Week:
“Yo ____, can I borrow $5?”
“I’m an illegal immigrant with no job. I’m the last person in this car you should be asking for money.”
Thanks to everyone who linked up the Brad Cromer remix. Have a good week.