Plazacation: Ibiza

Via @whatisnewyork

Brianna Delaney and Lee Madden dropped on a new part that also chronicles her transition and journey from the past few years ❤️ Features plenty of stunning lines and some of the best back tails in the biz.

Going to echo the resoundingly unanimous praise about Free x Memory Screen’s Ray Barbee remix/tribute/epic. Immune to trends, utterly timeless, and a shoo-in for one of the coolest skateboarders of all-time — there will never be another Ray Barbee. It was also a reminder to revisit the time Genny interviewed him for QS.

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J.R. Smith Already Without A Shirt

QS is by no means a Laker enterprise — just trying to be supportive of any and all events that lead to joy in the life of shirtless icon, J.R. Smith. Also L O L L L L L L at him having as many titles as the entire New York Kn*cks franchise.

Theories caught up with a bunch of New York skaters to ask about their spot hunting stories from the initial COVID shutdown in the city. Those days when Natural History, CBS and Big Screen were all a go at once were magic amongst the shit ♥

Alex Klein wrote a piece on his friendship with Keith Hufnagel over on GQ.

Lurker Lou’s new part, “Lou Flowers” is now live ♥

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