Standalone Uploads: Sage Elsesser & Aidan Mackey in \m/ and Rick Howard in Super International Tour Zone

sage nosegrind

Two cool videos surfaced over the weekend. Here are some highlights from each, conveniently uploaded as single versions to watch before skating.

\m/ is a video by Cooper Winterson and is over an hour long. A lot of embittered older bros might find it hard to get psyched off watching sixteen-year-olds skate, but at least Sage and Aidan’s skating takes notes from the simpler side of things and obviously Alien Workshop 3.0. (FYI: 1.0 = this, 2.0 = this & this, 3.0 = this & this, 4.0 = this?) Watching kids do cool 5050s and cruiser lines with big ollies is better than, say eight years ago, when your average “good” high school skater on the east coast couldn’t be bothered with anything besides a nollie backside bigspin down whatever ten-stair was available. Sage is likely known to some as “that Odd Future kid” (he’s had other New York-based parts, by the way), and Aidan is recognizable for having he most vibrantly-colored hair to ever set foot in 12th & A. They both rip.

Watch \m/ in full on YouTube

Okay, it’s safe to assume the guy making these forty-minute-to-hour-long Girl re-edits is a psycho — a brilliant one — but still a psycho. Even redubbing three minutes worth of skate noises for our Forrest Edwards re-edit was the most tedious process ever. This guy does it for over an hour, and organizes a decade-plus of footage with it at that. Is this what people are capable of when they live somewhere with absolutely no distractions?

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