Print is Dead, Yo!

Yes, we’ll mention this two posts in a row. But it’s the winter (there’s no snow at 12th & A, so it might look okay, but it still actually is winter), and having content worth mentioning two posts in a row is definitely a good thing, as the only skate-related pursuits people seem to be involved in right now is watching the MIA Skateshop video, and watching the Flipmode video. Unless you’re one of those ten people at 12th & A.

The mobile-device-targeted web magazine, Already Been Done has put its second issue online. The content of the magazine seems to adopt a lot of the better things that the internet has going for itself — the Manolo mixtapes and the always detail-rich Chrome Ball Incident interviews — and mix them up with features of the past, mostly Big Brother-esque ones, e.g. the tie-in with the adult entertainment industry, and the visible resurgence of Gary the Cat. Combine that with some wholly new features, like R.B. Umali’s camera gadget video reviews (in this issue it’s for the GoPro Hero, which we also messed around with a few months ago and would definitely co-sign R.B’s recommendation), plus a format meant to be experienced in the most clutter-free way possible, and you definitely have a step in the right direction for skate publications today.

There’s an iPhone app for this thing, so if you have one of those, or when Verizon achieves world peace by offering service for them and you purchase one, go to, click that box with the arrow on it at the bottom of your mobile Safari window, and choose “Add to Home Screen.” You can obviously do that with any website, but doing it here will override the Safari controls at the bottom of every window, thus giving you a more full-screen experience, which is better for large vertical skate photos. I don’t think it’s in the actual App Store yet, so this way is your best bet.