Interview by Ted Barrow Photos by Anthony Claravall, Corn, Pedro Raimundo & Zander Taketomo
To follow up our release of German’s part earlier this week, Ted Barrow interviewed German about what it’s like putting out your best video part at 47, plus much more ;)
Shout out to Twitter for tracking this one down. More skate photos with friends in the background please ♥
“Interblend” is a New York / New Jersey montage by Tokyo-based filmer Rob Taro, who made the full-length Time Scan video from last year. Features a mini Central Park section in the middle. Eby’s ollie over the barrier into the rock is fucked.
Tennyson Corporation put together a Mike and Quim Cardona 411 remix video to tug at your heartstrings (that nollie shove, varial flip line…) Our NY Revisited remix of Quim’s clips still gets brought up as many people’s favorite piece of QS #content, and remains one of this website’s proudest moments — probably because there are few skaters as infectiously inspiring in their footage as Quim. Thanks man ♥
A couple new Puleo clips in this commercial for German Nieves’ company, Paterson.
“What if you’d been told, on the occasion of Fully Flared‘s premiere nigh ten years ago, that Anthony Pappalardo’s part would provide a primary guiding light for the shoe supplier’s next full-length video — would you have believed it?” Boil the Ocean reviews Lakai’s latest video.
“Is this like a Seinfeld thing, where there’s no story?” Trick link: Anthony Pappalardo interviews Gino Iannucci. Gino is also now on Instagram. Everyone caves. Except Max Palmer and Stuart Hammond.
Spot Updates — 1) Not sure how recent this is, but the Philly step(s) under the Williamsburg Bridge on the way to Alligator Ledge are no more. The school installed rails running down the middle of them. 2) Herearea couplephotos of the skatepark being built on 114th and 1st Avenue via neighborhood correspondent, Tron Jenkins. It is set to officially open in March of next year.
Quote of the Week: “If Pontus ever has a heart attack, I’m definitely sending my sponsor me tape to Frog.” — Hjalte Halberg
“In March, Kelvin and the other patinetos left San Salvador in the dead of night, and skated three hundred and fifty miles through Guatemala to the border town of Tecún Umán. That was the easy part. It’s fifteen hundred miles across Mexico, much of it past growing ranks of Mexican immigration security agents, kidnappers and extortionists.” How four dudes skated from El Salvador to the U.S. to flee gang violence …and here we are complaining about how some spot in Bushwick is too far.
Much respect to the guys at Blue Tile Skate Shop and Jim T. at Real for their protest against a Klan rally that happened in Columbia, South Carolina this past weekend. (Yes, this country still has fucking Klan rallies.) Here’s a good article from earlier this year about the creation of Jim’s “Hanging Klansman” graphic.
As DS2 blares through portable speakers for the remainder of the summer, let’s take a moment to revisit the classic intro off the ANCIENT original Dirty Sprite mixtape from 2011. Amazing how probably zero other “hot” rappers from back then are #relevant now. The game’s rough man.