Photo via Tao
“Because I’m not trying to compete with the kids in Cali grinding 32 stairs. That’s not me. I’m at Pulaski Park, man.” Chrome Ball interviewed Bobby Worrest about the past and present.
We all spent a lot of last week collectively fawning over Bobby being in his 30s and having not the slightest semblance of misstep, but Dani Lebron is like… 42 or 43, and dropped a fucked up part on Thrasher last Friday, right around the time everyone would’ve been clocking out for the weekend.
You likely caught it already, but the Bos brothers are consistently putting out some of the best New York videos going today. “Wide Open” is Joshua Bos’ going pro part (trash can headliner from last week’s Top 10.) And watch “Steel” again, just because ;)
Two favorites get the skateboard fantasy sports treatment from kind strangers: Someone made an E.T. b-sides remix, and someone unrelated made an Antonio b-sides remix.
Crazy Ass Paterson Skaters have a new video out + Shorty’s may be gone, but Skate Jawn recently posted up a small feature on a new D.I.Y. spot that’s been sprouting up in an old Psterson, NJ gun mill, which they skate a bit in the C.A.P.S. video.
Occasional solitary man, Brad Cromer, uploaded another compilation of IG story footage from New York. Loved the jacket zipped / hoody up clip at Columbus Circle, though don’t want to experience that for like, another ten months.
Not sure if any of us are buying Kirian Stone’s case for a re-assessment of willy grinds in the skateboard lexicon, but his Skating Is Easy part is now online.

“Mr. Phelps had been at Potrero del Sol the day before he died and had run into Mr. Brenes there. Mr. Brenes recalled asking him how he was doing and Mr. Phelps replying, ‘Another day above ground is a good day, Chico.'” Willy Staley wrote Phelps’ obituary for The New York Times.
More #mainstreammedia skate coverage: Noah Johnson wrote Jason Dill profile for GQ.
“There are no strangers when those horn blasts sound, only you and a crowd of people who have suddenly become your closest friends.” The New Yorker has a nice piece on ten years of “Swag Surfing,” which coincidentally may have been the only song not from the past two years played at the Gang Corp premiere :)
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Shout out to the brodie Dirk for passing Wilt for #6 in all-time scoring. 2011 Dallas Mavs 4ever ♥
Quote of the Week: “Before Tinder, there was Enid’s.” — Chopped Cheese
The whole “people are just waiting for you to make a mistake”-thing he talks about made me think about how people on the street think of skateboarding. Never understood the logic of the first and only thing you ask someone on a skateboard being about injuries or getting hurt. Actually, a ton of the shit he says made me think of skateboarding.