Dunno why there’s been so many B&W headline images lately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Scan via Chromeball
#TBT that time Daniel Kim ruined the BBQ.
“You have to create all new levels of skateboarding that never existed before.”
Speaking of all new levels of skateboarding, Tiago was in town for Street League and these two clips of him skating Seaport and the L.E.S. Park got brought up in at least four conversations this weekend. #SOTY.
Put a formal Twitter inquiry regarding the inventor of the noseslide earlier this summer (the consensus was Gonz.) Mackenzie Eisenhour discusses it in this TWS piece regarding the origins of the noseblunt: “Even prior to the noseblunt, Mark is also credited with adapting the noseslide to ledges and handrails on the streets, after seeing photos of Neil Blender innovating nose stalls on ramps.”
Some more footage of Antonio Durao skating Harlem, presumably from the same day that he did the line that was #1 on the QS Top 10 last week :)
Given as how they’ve been dominating all forms of culture since Switch Mike started blasting So Far Gone in any and all of his BMWs and Herschel became the new Jansport, it should come as no surprise that the most enjoyable skateboard podcast also comes from Canada. Season two of the Bunt is now running, and starts off with cult hero, Spencer Hamilton. Expedition-1 talk, non-alcoholic beers, etc.
Lindsey Robertson and the Media Bias Against Heelflippers: A Case Study.
Tao did a rad remix of the Nike SB FRI.day video with the CPH fam.
The early 2000s nostalgia continues. Is the Pace Ledge due for a comeback?!
Glad the news about the Berlin benches getting removed ended up being a false alarm. A replica of that should be mandatory for every U.S. city with over six skaters. My second favorite skate spot on this planet.
Kingpin interviewed Ian from Jenkem about the Jenkem book. Available here.
NY Skateboarding posted up part two of their interview with Keith Hufnagel. A good bit of Brooklyn Banks talk in there. Aaannnddd there’s a new Crail Cocuh with Huf and Carroll. Good bit of Embarcadero talk in that one.
Um, no. New Jersey is actually the best. John Cozz’s HYD part.
Quote of the Week: “It’s literally harder to get into a bar than it is to get married.” — Rob Harris
Enjoy that school year everyone ;)