Cyrus by Johnny

Cyrus has a new part out to commemorate his Nike colorway and line of alarm systems. Once an eminent Vimeo auteur, recent times have forced Johnny Wilson’s hand into helping the greater good, e.g. ensuring that the 917 video would one day exist — so much that his year-old clips have become #TBT fodder for the world’s best skater. Though the Vimeo page remains overrun by tumbleweeds, Johnny’s latest for the Swoosh is his first Cyrus part since the final minute of Sure, and features cameos from a bunch of faces you’d recognize from a 2015 clip — Max Palmer, Nik Stain, Vincent Touzery, and Franco, the legendary trashcan warrior from Horny.

Now what’s good with that pre-ripped and pre-dirty Max Palmer colorway?

Related: Standalone upload of Cyrus’ 917 part

Fulfill the Dream

The Muska Epicly Later’d, in summary. After years spent pining for a Muska Epicly Later’d, and it finally existing, there’s now a vast emptiness. Who do we lobby for now? …wait, what if the answer is already in front of us? Standing in the right of the frame?

Although it’ll mainly resonate with audiophiles, Muska told the stories behind his ten favorite boom boxes as a supplement to the episode.

Genesis made a feel-good iPhone edit to wrap the summer up.

Bobshirt’s latest is with a [presumably buzzed?] Richard Angelides. Always enjoyed his non-rave music entry in Ty Evan’s 1997 rave film, and 11-out-of-10 trick selection.

Can’t tell what happened with this and why it is only going online now — as it was supposed to come out, like, literally four or five years ago (maybe they just waited for angst to start trending again) — but Death Video is now online in full. Features much, much younger versions of Tyshawn, Kempsey, Troy, etc.

With the potential end of Muni looming in the future, this was fun to watch (although admittedly, it is nowhere near as good the Big Three of Philadelphia skate spots) — The guys from Municipal Skateboards filmed a montage exclusively at the Philadelphia Museum of Art a.k.a. the Rocky steps.

The B.Q.E. Lot is set to be renovated by the D.O.T. at the start of next year, and it’s going to look exactly like that shitty space around the Flatiron Building with sandpaper ground and random rocks everywhere. Can’t we just get a ledge?

Online for the first time? The subway skating section from Colin Read’s Tengu.

A couple quick ones from Palace in the Puig era: Brady by Lucas, Lucas by Lucien.

Lacey Baker, Sarah Meurle and Josie Millard skate around Manhattan for a women’s shoe that Nike released. Max isn’t the only one who likes skating broken lampposts ;)

North Skate Mag has a chill interview with Mike Blabac.

“Does all this mean that New York is vanishing? Sure. But the deli wasn’t there forever, either. Vanishing is what New York does.” Roctakon’s brother wrote a rad thing about revisiting the Brooklyn delis that he had photographed back in 2008.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This is the most Melo has passed in his career.

Quote of the Week
Torey Goodall: “What do you got there?”
Hydrated Gentleman: “A water.”
Torey Goodall: “An N.A? Nice.”

The 2017 Shirtless Kebab Tour


C. Champion via W. Dada

“Every time you disprove the prejudices of a pedestrian, you win a small victory that reverses the erosion of our collective social capital.” As sarcastic as we may get about the tired “skaters see the world differently” trope, there’s always something reassuring in our ability to — on on some tiny level — leave the world better than it was before, provided we stop sitting around talking shit about pants for long enough. Caught in the Crossfire’s “Four Small Ways Skateboarding Can Change the World” is inspiring, intelligent and heartwarming writing for a tough world right now.

On that note, #respect x999999 to Young Will and everyone in Providence, Rhode Island. “If you have an idea, for pity’s sake run with it, for the good of us all.”

Half a million pounds of Love Park granite is being shipped to Malmö, Sweden. Shout out to all the cities and people doing cool shit to make humans’ time on earth better.

If you guys in the comments are calling Shanahan a “’99 Kalis deadringer,” you better brace yourselves for the ’99 Stevie version because its really really real.

Ugh, Jake ♥ Just wait on it

This might be an illegal link, but here’s Yaje’s Riddles in Mathematics part til it gets taken down. Non-sketchy link to buy the video here. Sorry TWS, it’s Yaje ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“One day’s lifted bar soon becomes the next day’s hurdle to be ollied, and later kickflipped, and eventually kilty mcbagpipped for an after-credits clip set to a whimsical indie-rock tune.” — Boil the Ocean explores ledge skating’s shrinking middle class, via the lens of Tiago’s switch back tail™. And yes, YouTube debaters, Antonio could’ve easily been #1 but Tiago got it for the trick’s status as a “culture-unifying moment.”

The most entertaining raw files clip in a really long time: A full 18 minutes from Na-Kel Smith’s X-Games “Real Street” part. Most elastic slams in the business too :)

ICYMI: Johnny made a clip of Cyrus and some Nike SB boys skating in Texas.

Skater types.” Facepalm emoji ya.

Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine is now available to stream on Hulu. (You may need to put in your card info for a free trial blah blah blah.) You can read and disagree with the QS review here.

Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 12.41.52 PM

*Non-Skate Related Alert* The latest episode of 99% Invisible deals with abandoned buildings, squatters, riots, and everything else surrounding Tompkins Square Park in the 80s and 90s. “You got guns? We got piss buckets.” Shout to Mostly.

Quote of the Week: “The price isn’t the problem. Pryce is the problem.” — Dallas Todd

I learned frontside flips via Pryce’s Seaport line A.K.A. have never fully *flipped* one in my life. They still count in S.K.A.T.E. though ;) Thanks Pryce.

Goin’ Up

wenning hoboken ledges pic

“Everything about this spot was good..5 mins from Downtown NYC….a body of water to calm the mind of even the craziest of crazy human beings…Path Train…NJ Transit trains…Jugs of cheap Orange Juice…and one of my favorite ledges ive ever was our early morning meet up spot…” — Lackawanna ♥ via Wenning’s IG

Damn, who would’ve thought that the third trick to ever go down the Police Plaza sixteen would be on a surfboard, and discovered via Worldstar?

The Shady One™ put together a clip of a new Brooklyn D.I.Y. envisioned by Max “#MCM” Palmer, in conjunction with Nike’s 58 project. Features Cyrus, Conor, Sean Pablo, Logan Lara, etc. etc. and John Choi with the ender.

Ishod is better than the entire Birdhouse team (but you already knew that, as per Pryce Holmes’ suggestion of a new, all-encompassing award in skateboarding), and The Bunt’s latest episode is with Jake Phelps.

Been a heavy John Shanahan week between the D.C. “Arrival” video with all their new AMs, and LurkNYC’s corresponding “Mean Streets Volume J” video.

“Just as the Sabotage dudes unearthed, resurfaced and restored an entire scene that had been municipally buried and professionally abandoned, John Shanahan seems to harbour deeper ambitions.” Although the hyper #curated outfits probably draw the most attention, gonna have to echo some of Boil the Ocean’s sentiments here. The dude puts more effort into skating long-forgotten spots that people otherwise push past every weekend than anyone else out there right now, and has one of the most sophisticated eyes out for loose tiles and grates.

Boil the Ocean also weighs in on the most recent batch of X-Games “Real Street” segments, while contemplating whether or not somebody will ever look as cool as Lavar McBride when he nollie backside flipped the stairs at Hubba Hideout.

Josh Stewart posted a bunch of raw footage from the days when Barcelona was first becoming the eminent skateboard Mecca, featuring unlikely visitors Puleo and Ricky.

It’s become an increasingly antiquated practice outside of those who were grandfathered into being able to get away with it, but Village Psychic revisits the 2000s phenomenon of the Baker landing.

Did you really do a summer trip to New York if someone in your squad didn’t get bodied at Pyramid Ledges?

Harold Hunter Day is now Harold Hunter weekend. Features a couple chill Tyshawn clips at the Fat Kid Park. And of course Slicky Boy got a free pair of shoes.

The good news is that Quan promised to never let us down again. The bad news is that he’s being cryptic about the release of ten songs he has with Future :(

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thunder in 12.

Quote of the Week
Kevin Tierney: “I hate going out drinking with a board because I’m afraid I might lose it.”
Colin Sussingham: “Yeah, there’s no way you could get another one, right?”

Johnny & Pros & Friends on the Road


Image via @stuntsrebornagain.

We keep waiting.

Waiting for Logan to emerge from his lair (which may or may not still be upstairs from the old Quartersnacks office) and begin working on the 917 video.

Waiting for famous house DJ, Challex Olson, to climb out from the twelve-foot-tall mountain of “Lover” hoodys and drop some new footage.

Waiting for Transworld to learn how to spell Cyrus’ name right. Or at least waiting to meet this emotional “Cryus” creature that they attributed their cover to.

Waiting for Drew to say “YOOOOOOO” longer than the last time he said “YOOO.”

Waiting for Ishod to admit he inherited Lebron’s headband collection.

Waiting for Johnny to start eating cheeseburgers and making weekly video blogs again, reclaiming the banner of productivity that he held so tightly from 2012-2015.

Waiting for Max to find a metal crevice that he can’t send his board through.

…I think Andrew has a longer “YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” in him, but for everything else, we’ll have to keep waiting, and waiting. In the meantime, here’s a video from some of those guys forcing us to play the wait game, and a couple guys with their names on skate shoes skating throughout the south this past spring.