“Wasser has his ax, this is mine.” — DJ Duzit • via @homiesnetwork
“Creative = good? It depends a bit on the definition… If I had to choose, I would prefer simple and functional in form – creative and high-quality in implementation and look, with attention to detail. When in doubt, I prefer simple and reduced – but well thought out and with intention.” Bubble has a roundtable with a bunch of skatepark designers discussing how you balance keeping a skatepark “creative” and still functional. There’s a solid 10% of QS readers sharpening their knives for every designer of a local park that has only curved ledges and no straight ones…
Diet starts Monday. Last one I swear. Maybe one more. R.I.P. Mambo Bar.
Labor and Supreme (tees only) both have spring QS gear in stock. Other U.S. shops (Black Sheep, Commissary, Exit, Homebase, NJ, Orchard, Seasons, Supreme L.A. & Uprise) will be receiving it this week. Internationally next week. Webstore opens at midnight E.S.T. on April 6th. (Next Monday, but technically Sunday night.)
Ja$onwear Pace University double-set attempts, circa 2004. Has nobody still ollied this thing? Feel like this is a prime “So-and-so did it in some midwest video that nobody has seen”-scenario. Expecting a Vimeo link in the comments :)
“Through it all the shoe has come to be regarded as the most immediate extension of the seven-ply-trucks-and-urethane configuration, but the past decade’s footwear fetishization mainly serves to obscure a decades-long struggle with pants.” Boil the Ocean uses Nakel’s floral TWS cover as a springboard to examine the current condition skateboarders’ favorite topic: pants.
Two months late on this, but someone re-edited a bunch of Alex Olson B-roll from Johnny Wilson’s clips to a song that Alex Olson would probably maybe might skate to. Someone at L.E.S. is trying to body varial out of a grind as you read this.
The city of Philadelphia will review a plan for the remodeling of Love Park at the end of April. Construction is slated to begin at the end of next winter. You think someone nollie back heels or fakie flips the gap before it gets torn down in a year?
Gotta love Rihanna. Who else is recording bangers that relate to the struggles of freelancers in New York still waiting on checks from 2014? Love you girl ♥
Hypebeast has another interview with Bill Strobeck, in which he reveals the story behind the guy smoking drugs at the Water Street Veteran’s Memorial alongside Anthony Pappalardo’s commentary, among other things.
Muckmouth is starting a multi-part series about what happens to talented, aspiring skaters when they realize a career as a professional skater just isn’t going to happen as a long-term thing. In the first installment, they caught up with Andy Stone, Brian Hoard (!), Malcolm Watson, and a not-talkative Lavar McBride.
A small blow to the upper tier of many broke skateboarders’ lifestyle: Chipotle will begin raising prices 3-5% this week. Not as big of a deal as when dollar menus became “value menus,” but still an unpleasant development for the underemployed.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Despite an awful shooting slump in Game 1, this is somehow the shot that Jamal Crawford hits.
Quote of the Week: “I heard they got a Wet Willy’s in AC. I gotta check that out…I might do that tomorrow.” — Carl Williams