Scumco & Sons Bible Belt Tour

Words: Ronnie P
Photos: Mike Chinner
Video: Tristan Mershon
Squad: Kevin Taylor, Josh Narvaez, Ty Beall, Jake Baldini, Brian Downey, Justin Grzechowiak, Tristan Mershon, Mike Chinner
Special Guests: Matt Anderson, Giorgio Villone
Objective: Footy
Last to bed, first awake; cleaning and frying eggs: Josh
Glutathione Goo: Downey
50 pushups a day: Chinner’s whip
Beers and no A/C: Giorgio’s whip
Temperature: Hot
Verdict: Sweaty n Ready

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Celebration Station

“I went from being a kid skating on my block to hanging out with all the best skaters in New York City because I learned how to do a frontside 360 boneless.” A friend once had a story about how their book club took a razor to The Powerbroker and sliced it up into three books to make it more reasonable of a read. This isn’t that dramatic, but a blog interview that takes over two hours to read is a lot for most people in the era of byte-sized #content — but we’re *SO* happy that people are putting detailed, rich content on the internet that requires a commitment! Isn’t that what it’s for?! The Slam City Skates blog’s interview with Eli Gesner about skateboarding + graffiti in New York in the 80s, night clubs in the early 90s, the beginnings of Shut + Zoo York, etc. is like a little history book :)

This skatepark was founded in 1906 by the Black Panther party.”

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