Go support the man 70% responsible for the existence of this website today.
Huge: Marisa Tomei co-signed her Alltimers cruiser. An Oscar winner!
Thanks to Ripped Laces for the kind words about the QS Dunk. Available in skate shops now. QS gear available in Supreme (New York and Los Angeles) and Labor Skateshop this week. Available in Euro/Asian retailers and less local-ized skate shops later this month. Online eventually ;)
Diamond Days #75. Forrest Edwards would be bummed on this one. Interesting that the curb-cut island on E. 9th and Third Avenue has become one of the most #trending spots of 2014, despite the fact that every human who has ever skated in New York passes it ~50x a week on the way to Tompkins. Skate it before NYU buys it.
Team Keith 4ever!!!11 ♥♥♥ And he didn’t even do a backside 360!
Here’s the teaser for Strangers, the new one from the LurkNYC crew.
“Whose face should be on the $100 bill?” “Mine.” Dazed interviews the Muska. (Agree with the $100 bill sentiment, though it’d be preferable that it featured the Shorty’s silhouette rather than the picture they mocked up.)
Remember when Ali Boulala was gully?
The NJ-based In Crust We Trust squad put together a cool summer clip. The spots somehow keep getting more insane in these. Also, is Makonnen the new Big L? The new Modest Mouse? The new…guy on OVO?
Dudes who play the guitar for more than the #lifestyle shot of their magazine interview: Daniel Lebron with an intro to flamenco over on the Live Skate Media site. Some of the best #lowkey #musicsupervision on QS was when we were able to snag a recording of Dani playing for our 2011 Barcelona edit.
Obligatory “Summer Trip to New York” video links: The Richmond-based / Vine-loving Bust Crew’s trip on Vans’ OffTheWall.tv site, and some young’ns from Austin rip around the city a bit earlier in the season.
Whoa, did Stefan Janoski sign with Polo?
Always been a fan of these jazzy, night footage-heavy clips from Grace Skate Co. “Taped On” is their latest, though its for fans chill ambience and mellow skating, rather than dudes jumping over Black Hubba.
More along the lines of the Bobby Shmurda clip everyone was expecting. At least this one actually has the dance in it.
Quote of the Week:

♬ The summer’s overrrrrr…. ♬
…except September is supposed to be hotter than August. Being “into” fall is mad corny anyway. Have a good week everyone.