Andrew Miami videographer Zoogie dropped a six-minute New Year’s edit featuring Sully Cardenas, Stafhon Boca, Coles Bailey, Elijah Odom and many more familiar faces. Gabe’s noseslide at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store might legit be the second or third clip anyone has ever got there on account of the security.
Chrystie NYC’s first full-length video, Chapter One in now live on Thrasher. Features an ender part from Aaron Herrington, a bunch of footage of that dude Kuae Cosa who’s been popping up in Cons edits, the up-close angle of the other way ollie at the Crosby Street Vespa Bump… and that ride-on grind at LaGuardia High School is insane.
“The guys in the video don’t give a fuck about the American industry anymore. We were also all listening to a lot of Tupac at the time and getting kicked out of spots in Cali, then jumping into the van and blasting that Tupac song kind of cemented it.” Ok then. Free has a full retrospective on one of the seminal skate video imports of the 2000s, Lordz’ They Don’t Give A Fuck About Us (and answers the question we were asking a lot back in 2013: what happened to William Phan?
Steve Mastorelli made a rad Silvester Eduardo remix. Actually missed a bunch of this footage before. Syracuse nollie flip was sick.
These Bunt episodes are getting pretty long. Kerry Getz is the latest guest. Love a level-headed, smart former pro. Shame that the angry, “everyone screwed me over” curmudgeon types tend to get all the attention though.
Copenhagen and Malmö still got Paris beat on the whole “skateable obstacles integrated in public spaces but not exactly skateparks”-thing, but yeah! What they said! But for New York! Would trade like 3-4 New York skateparks for just that little red plaza on the side street in Berlin.
Quote of the Week Charles Rivard: “He skates like he’s on coke, and parties like he’s on weed.” Rob Harris: “More like he skates like he wishes he had friends.”
You’re in for an onslaught of recap content throughout the internet, but the Dime Glory Challenge wasabsolutelybrilliant. Forever grateful to be skateboarding on the earth at the same time in history as these brilliant Canadian minds.
“What was harder to do: switch big flip Chinatown Double-Set or switch backside flip D7?” NY Skateboarding has a solid interview with Tyshawn Jones, reigning “Did you hear what _____ did?!” king of New York City.
People began skating the new Harlem skatepark on 114th Street and First Avenue (conveniently located between Haiji’s and Patsy’s) this past week. Looks kinda like Cooper Park tbh. Troy posted a clip from it, but there are a few more floating around.
People are still pissed about you skating the plaza on 110th and 8th, and hopes for a new Byrdgang video are high in the QS office. Here’s a teaser for Byrdgang 3.
The most unexpected event of 2016 has got to be Fat Joe and Remy Ma legit making a hit twelve years after “Lean Back.” (I still got “Inside the Mattress” on though.) And now, the pressing question of which summer clip will be the first to go…”all the way up” is over ;) The promo for the new HYD video has a bunch of gems in it, including the second most unexpected event of 2016: someone filming a line at the ABC ledges.
Still most played jam of 2k16. Yo can someone please do a full Future + Nard & B mix? Respect to Young Metro but its the most under-appreciated rapper+producer combo.
Thank you to everyone who purchased something from the webstore last week. We should be wrapping up with shipping orders next two days. If you haven’t received a shipping notification by Wednesday [to the email you ordered with], feel free to shoot us a message. Still some stuff left on there, and as always, at your local skate shop.
“Nobody’s Alley” might be the best LurkNYC video to date. Still with the VHS cam and a majority of footage in midtown and lower Manhattan. Although varial flips have been the “coming back” for half-a-decade now, between the ones in this video and Antoine’s in the Dime Vid, they might have entered a new dimension of 21st century form.
Something heartwarming about seeing Beer Bar footage in a 2016 skateboard video. Zach Moore’s Transplants part is now live, with a second-to-last trick at the place we wasted substantial early teenage years at :'(
This might be months old “news,” considering that with a heightened Columbus Circle bust, midtown motivation has been tough without some semblance of a safe bet, but the C-list midtown chain and pillar spot across from the Lipstick Building is no more.