Congratulations to Liz and Miles on the birth of the first QS-affiliated baby!
Turns out that Ben Colen’s wishful Chromeball visits amounted to an after-credits bonus interview with Jovontae Turner, where he talks about racists and other things.
Gino Iannucci pays a visit to the Roslyn Banks, probably the most recognizable Long Island skate spot, which is sort of sad for such a large land mass. He discusses the spot’s history and offers a #controversial opinion against the use of Bondo.
Muckmouth compiled an extensive video of all the tricks that have been done on the Santa Monica Courthouse stage. And yeah, a nollie heelflip up is still absurd.
A bunch of Colorado expats living in New York made cool a ten-minute video. Weed humor tends to go over much of the QS office’s heads, but they share our spot sensibilities. Also, is that Cameron Diaz’s character from The Counselor at 3:17?
After Midnight New York’s fall/winter team montage.
Whoa, Miley Cyrus rips on a skateboard.
Jeremy Elkin’s new video somehow managed to round up and feature four dudes who pretty much everyone has always wanted to see full parts from: Akira Mowatt (unless you count Mixtape 2), Rob Campbell, German Nieves, and Leo Gutman (he had a part in Flipmode 3, but that was in 2006…) The Brodies premieres at Sunshine Theater on Thursday, November 14th at 9 P.M. Flyer here.
The Brimley crew from out in Arizona offers their “Summer Trip to NY” entry.
“I talked to Matt Price and he had never even seen that photo of Keith Hufnagel before.”
Anthony Pappalardo (the writer, not the Alien Workshop/Chocolate alumnus) wrote a .GIF-enhanced #listicle about extinct skateboard tricks for Complex. The “Muska Flip” or non-flipping-frontside-flip portion fails to acknowledge the plight of those of us who learned hardflips before frontside flips, and thus have a muscle memory that is averse to kickflipping for a frontside flip. We did not choose Muska flips and we’re not named Bryan Herman, so we’re stuck with hardflip frontside body varials. Anyone who was ever capable of flipping a frontside flip, but chose not to because they thought it looked cool is just stupid. We were born this way! Stop mocking our handicap!
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Chris Paul knows what’s going to happen three seconds before everybody else.
Quote of the Week:

(Also, still celebrating Halloween on November 1st or 2nd needs to stop. It’s the fall equivalent of saying “Happy New Year” in March.)
All sticker packs shipped on Friday night. If you don’t receive something this week, chances are, you missed the cut-off for the first hundred addresses. If you sent an e-mail before 11:30 A.M. (E.S.T.), you should be getting something this week ;)