Cutting The Lock — John Clodfelter’s ‘PAPER…VIEW’ Video

John Clodfelter and co. — the crew behind Zen Prone and Meta 5 — have a new one out called Paper…View.

From the moment the Jefferson Avenue L Train bank [recently eulogized by @solojazz] gets liberated, you enter this hallucinatory world that has been crystalizing throughout the past two videos, where tricks are almost secondary. That’s not to say that there isn’t a lot of great skating in Paper.. View, just that the tricks continue the last two videos’ mission of world-building, where it’s ok if someone’s nighttime ollie lands into a black, pixely abyss.

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A Meta 5 Follow-Up — John Clodfelter’s ‘Zen Prone’ Video

Zen Prone is John Clodfelter‘s follow-up to last October’s Meta 5 video. Like that last video, the spots they pick and the sheer zeal they put into extracting the one or two tricks that are possible on them is the first thing that stands out. There’s “I never thought of doing that trick on that spot,” and then there’s “I never even thought of trying to skate that” — in here, there’s a lot of fourth-eye open shit that’s enough to inspire even the most lazy and/or cynical out there to take a pass on getting stuck at the skatepark for a day.

This and Meta 5 both feel like their own sub-earth within the city (except maybe when you see the Williamsburg Monument pop up 😉), but the videos never compromise fun for the sake of propping up an aesthetic. Can’t wait to run it back and wait for the next one.

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For Your Consideration: John Clodfelter’s ‘Meta 5’ Video

A lot of the videos that get submitted to QS have a familiar template: they’re filmed on routes of well-worn spots, with the occasional overturned nugget found in the vicinity. You could practically use context clues to figure out if a crew lives by Cooper Park, or further out in Ridgewood by clocking how the spots appear.

This makes it all the more special when a video filmed mostly (entirely?) in New York feels like it inhabits another world. Meta 5 by John Clodfelter was sent over by both Josh Paynter and Chase Walker (always a good sign when fellow videographers back another’s project), and it’s a lo-def mash of cutty skateboarding eked over kinda-spots that are typically passed over by less adventurous patient crews.

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Fresh Air

New York Residents: If you have not already voted, this will help you find your pollsite for tomorrow. Other places: Find your pollsite here. Everyone take care of yourselves ♥

Any week when you have two full-length local videos both exceeding 30 minutes is a special week…

Suppy is an HD video by Dylan Holderness and Evan Pacheco, filmed largely in Brooklyn, with an insane ender at the spot that everyone has been getting yelled at by mean security guards for the past month.

Irish Wrist Watch is a SD video by John Clodfelter, filmed around the city with some Jersey clips in between. It’s amazing how watching someone roll away from their first two-stair ollie can lead to more vicarious joy that any number of wild tricks you see on IG every day.

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