It’s Supposed To Bubble

Hey Man 📷 Photo via Anthony Asfour

HEADLOCK is a new brand pushing the Atlanta skate scene, and Justin Hearn got behind the lens to make the inaugural edit of his crew for it, aptly titled “In A Headlock.”

W O W. Our friends at 4PLY ran all the data to quantify why Yuto Horigome is The One. “He doesn’t have a single “go-to” trick. He’s got the talent to ‘go-to’ all the tricks.”

Just a great, old-fashioned hometown skateshop video part: Hollywood Martinez for Southside Skateshop x Spitfire Wheels to a Pimp and Bun classic 🥲 “We wanna send this one out to Whodini.”

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That Rail Is A Sack Factory

ICYMI: The D.O.A. dudes have a new edit and tribute video out for their friend Drew Grabowski ❤️

Nollies into flatscreen TVs, noseslides on boat boards, and a dumpster-adjacent spot that’ll inevitably send group texts scouring “where is this?!” in Neema Joorabchi’s “feast your eyes” edit featuring all the dudes from the Til It’s Gone video.

Joe Cups uploaded a reel of Alex Olson, Jason Dill and Anthony Pappalardo kicking around Manhattan back in 2004.

Jenkem uncovered a trove of unseen skate photos from New York in the 1980s.

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No Time To Blog

Photo by Greg Navarro

Feels kinda crazy starting a QS update without a picture of Keith… Was tempted to use some of Pat Steiner’s modern art masterpieces this week, but we have a whole year-end content season for that! ;)

Jawn Gardner leads the charge on an important message with a nine-minute documentary about shedding the stigma of discussing mental health issues in the skate community ♥

On the chance that you haven’t been catching the …Arizona Iced Tea skate team edits on the TWS site (..yeah!), some of the most insane skateboarding in New York released this year was via their trip edit, e.g. the back tail off the marble kicker, the switch frontside flip across from the Stock Exchange, etc. TWS just posted up the first two raw edits from it, and wow it is crazy to look back at how desolate the city was last fall.

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A Tribute To The Endurance of Those Who Skate The Medians

We all know the ancient proverb: “One man’s infrastructural banality is another man’s tailslide.”

But for all the details of cities that skateboarders pay a perverse amount of attention to — the positioning of cracks before stairs, the shapes of curbs, literal fucking trashcans — our ability to isolate a select few traffic medians as desirable places to hang out at is an under-appreciated tidbit of our lunacy.

To the average person, a median divides two opposing directions of traffic. Unless someone is an engineer, there is absolutely no reason to spend any of their precious time on earth thinking about one. To a skateboarder though… it’s not a ledge, it’s not a curb — it’s a ledge on TOP of a curb.

Given our struggles of just being left alone at a decent-enough ledge, some of our more able-bodied colleagues sought refuge in the soothing serenity of New York City traffic. And like many parables of post-Financial Crisis skateboarding, this one begins with Jake Johnson.

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Pic via @rinyahata_ on IG

Threw the remaining bits of our fall 2019 release on sale in the webstore. Truthfully, it’s mostly beanies and smalls, but there are a few loose other sizes left in there. Figured now was a good time to clear this out as everyone adjusts to the slower pace of life while we wait for this shit to calm down — yes, skate shops are affected. We’ll be good though, just gotta ride it out and be smart. It’s not like we have another choice, yaknow? ♥ Everyone be clean, be safe, be nice and be patient. QS content resumes as usual, because you already know that fashion never sleeps :)

Skate videos used to be so cute and innocent.

All the Streets Are Silent: The Convergence of Hip-Hop and Skateboarding (1987-1997) is coming soon. Think about that Slam interview with Eli Gesner from last week, but wider in scope, and in documentary form. (Timely name, too!)

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