The curved median ledge on Canal, just one block east of the Hudson River, has been one of those “why is this waxed?” mysteries for years. Everyone had always assumed BMXers or rollerbladers, and while that may have been the case for past years, Zak Anders (from RESPECTFULLY) lipslid it in his new “COW BOY” part, putting the first known skate footage of it to record. Appropriate that it would be across the street from what is still one of the most fucked New York clips that Brandon Westgate ever logged.
Peak-era Brian Brown was truly a magic talent on a skateboard. Joe Cups dropped an extended footy tape of his from 2004, a lot of which was in Vicious Cycle, but a lot of which wasn’t (The reigning S.O.T.Y. cited that part as one of his reasons for wanting to move out east…)
The webstore is now open with holiday goods. Arriving at European shops this week. Available in U.S. and Japan shops now. Arriving Korea, Canada and Australia next week. Thanks every for the support, really means a lot ♥♥♥ Stockist list here.
With Canada Day a mere seven months away, let’s get the party started with some videos from our neighbors to the north! Our bud and Dime logistics extraordinaire, Guillaume Thibault, has a new 20-minute video entitled Parkour. If Dime videos are Baker vids, this is like…a Shake Junt video…or something? It’s a good time. And the Swiss O.G. 2000 boys linked up with Clubgear for a ten-minute video entitled Cialis. Stoked for the comments to get flooded with spam links for dick pills. Perfect.
Others are less enthused about Canada Day being around the corner. “Absolutely No Dime Clothing. Shit is ugly AF.”
“I mean, you can’t go too far with it. You don’t want to make it perfect, you know? But fixing a spot, modifying a spot is all right. As long as you don’t go too far with it.” New Jersey Governor, Fred Gall, talks to Village Psychic about the unwritten codes behind fixing crusty spots and finding guns stashed at skate spots.
“Dirt River” is a montage out of Copenhagen with a lot of friends in it. Cameos from Nik Stain, Hjalte, Chris Millic, etc.
I think this new “Summer Trip to New York” iPhone edit is actually the first footage of someone skating the back hubba on the Amsterdam side of Lincoln Center? Or no? The runway is shit but surprised more people haven’t gone for it.
Worried about everyone’s mental health if and when another store opens up at the liquor store bump in Bed-Stuy. Sleep Skateboards has a new, mostly-NY montage.