Back From the Dead 2

carroll mehring

Michael Carroll. Photo by Jonathan Mehring. Should be back to normal programming this week. Sometimes you just gotta lurk around France and not be all stuck inside a computer yaknow.

Gotta send a massive #OGRESPECT to the homie *The Shady One* for claiming something over group text on the lead-up to a trip and fully 100% actually not backing down and going for it on the second day of arrival.

Switch pop shove crook is prob the most unlikely trick to go down at Con Ed Banks.

A bunch of Boston dudes doing some hot moves in New York in the latest Jenkins Log installment. Also features the *coolest* trick Daniel Kim has done since he got a #desk #job and lost all of his Belly of the Beast-era powers hehe ;)

Screengrab is the latest video from Tom Gorelik a.k.a. Russian Bob. Features a part from Troy Stilwell.

Skateboard Story interviewed Grandpa Jeremy about working at Autumn and subsequently running a shop of his own in Philadelphia.

There’s no reason to even bother pretending like anyone will have the slightest morsel of a chance in skating those Universitat-esque benches they’re supposed to be putting in Times Square. Anyone who’s skated through there even at the dead of night mid-winter knows those rookie cops are just waiting to ticket you. Literally the only precinct in the city I’ve ever heard claim it was illegal to skate on a sidewalk in New York.

“I liked it back in the day when someone like Henry Sanchez threw your board in the water at Pier 7, but he was still your favorite skater even after that. Now you don’t say hi to some kid and you’re ‘the biggest dick ever.'” Monster Children has a quick interview with the guy who ruined skateboarding back in 2012.

Fam, sk8ers been fake-claiming “one more” since way b4 Gatorade.

Our tour van playlists this past summer haven’t been far off from the Real van, though we probably listened to the [non-slowed down] middle montage song from Horny way more than anything (besides 56 Nights obvs.)

J.B. + H.D.V. is the only skater + spot combo as good as Kalis or Stevie + Love. Nice to see anytime he’s back there. Except we all know there’s only one Mr. Perfect

Enjoyed this Huck piece on Michelle Pezel, owner of Vancouver’s Antisocial.

A few progress shots of the skatepark being built in place of Fat Kid Spot.

Boil the Ocean on increased stress levels in modern-day skateboarding.

“It’s not like the easiest shit ever. It’s also kind of like the easiest shit ever.”

Though it was never an actual spot, as maybe only three tricks have ever been done it, R.I.P. to 50th Street / Times Square Hubba. Here’s the greatest noseslider not from Maine doing a noseslide down it circa 2003ish.

Farewell, Rolls-Royce Ledges


(A.K.A. Wachovia or Wells Fargo to you younger guys.) Another view here.

The 49th Street side of the building is under construction, and it looks like the 50th Street side and the long manual pad facing Madison Avenue will be soon. There are some crummy mock-ups on the front of the building that show what lays ahead. It might contain a marble ledge over steps (that’ll inevitably be a bust.) The adjacent Driveway Ledges spot has also been under construction for years, so maybe that will yield something cool :) Thanks to Gerry for the tip.

By most estimations of what a “good” spot is — this place sucked. Chunky ledges that never grinded in their entire history, choppy ground, and a horrible eight stair aren’t the best things midtown has to offer. However, the spot was an anomaly in the neighborhood because it wasn’t a colossal bust. This means that more hours were clocked here than other midtown destinations over the years, simply because it was a last resort before conceding defeat for the night. Only the (also defunct) 45th & Lex Wendy’s can lay claim to logging more skater hours this past decade-and-a-half.

The spot is also notable because Geo Moya maintained a career-long allegiance to skating the awful eight stair here. The landing was into a hill going the wrong way, and that hill was made out of the worst ground ever. Moya’s three lines from Jay Maldonado’s La Luz video remain the only examples of someone refusing to acknowledge how genuinely bad this set was. Add that to Moya’s list of underheralded accomplishments, along with the Times Square 20-stair noseslide, the switch front nose over the Flushing grate in ~2000, and pioneer status as the first known person to attempt the “cherry” ender rail

When was the last non-“Banned From T.V” time you were reminded of Nature’s existence? “Ultimate High” still goes.

Same Thing Every Morning

ishod exit

Via Grandpa on Instagram

Our good friend Michael Gigliotti made an eight-minute bro cam clip that features parts from himself, Miles Marquez and Alex “$80 Baseball Cap” Olson. It’ll make you really happy you live near the Tompkins though.

Jason Byoun with an avant garde line of the year contender in video blog #209 from the Beef Patty dudes. Also big congratulations to the homie Max Palmer A.K.A. Loose Trucks Max. He has his name on a skateboard now.

Following in the footsteps of Wes Kremer’s wallie bluntslide, and Jake’s trick from Static 4 (won’t spoil for anyone who hasn’t seen it), some guy wallie crooked grinded the Clipper Ledge. It’s not like tricks down Clipper have been tangibly comprehensible to the average human since Darrell Stanton’s Free Your Mind ender anyway

Big pop shoves, Lucien Clarke lines and kitchen freestyles in the “Piff Sticks Mixtape” from the Yes Fam crew out in London.

Some thoughts on everyone’s unwavering Gino fandom and his Six Feet Under shirt.

Even if it’s for a bit of a puff piece, it’s cool to watch Quim and Ricky shoot the shit.

Rochester looks like it has some spots.

Muckmouth caught up with Rob Pluhowski, Richard Mulder, Nate Jones, Scott Kane, and some others in the fourth installment of their “Where are they now?” series.

If you missed last month’s issue of The Skateboard Mag (the one with the “cherry” feature), they posted an extended transcript of the Rieder interview online.

LES Park edits are a dime a dozen, but Eli has a QS tee on in this one ;)

The BEV video features a bunch of LES park locals and premieres on May 24th off the Halsey J stop. Flyer here. Teaser here. It’s mad Tumblr.

The full CT/NY-based Merica video is now online. It’s mad indie.

Spot Updates: 1) The CBS 52 ledge over the six stair is sort of a wrap, though someone will find a way to boardslide it with a lot of wax. 2) There’s a new box at 12th Street, just in time for iced coffee season. 3) There are some temporary gaps all down Lafayette Street that’ll likely get filled in with cement by the end of the week.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Honestly, can’t think of anything that stands out above the rest from the past week, aside from Tony Parker’s entire Game 3 performance. (P.S. We’re Spurs fans here from here on in, because they’re the only team left that can beat Miami.) Still sorta amazed the Thunder blew it yesterday. Also, you should read Grantland’s history of the 2002 western conference finals between the Lakers and Kings. It’s mad sad though. Biebel probably teared up reading it.

Quote of the Week: “Tiesto is my favorite.” — Geo Moya

How long do you guys think that box is gonna be at 12th for?

The 30 Phattest Outfits in Skate Video History: 1992-2012

Happy fall fashion week. We hope that you are fashion-forward during these next several days, and wish you the best of luck in sparking a brief romance with a lonely stylist’s assistant before the week is out.

In honor of this most festive of weeks, we have compiled a somewhat comprehensive guide to the best gear from the past twenty years’ worth of skate videos. Skateboarding didn’t just begin “embracing fashion,” as some misinformed outfits have recently reported. Fashion has been stealing shit from skaters for years. (Luckily, they left Javier Nunez’s City Stars jeans alone.) Here’s the proof: All the jerseys, sweats, camo, braids, insane patches, sweater vests and swooshy pants that you could ever hope for. Yes, there are omissions. No, it isn’t in order. Thanks to Roctakon, Boss Bauer, Sweet Waste, Jack Sabback and Jason from Frozen in Carbonite for their contributions to this post.

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“I guess we’ll never know where BMCC gets us…”

Slicky Boy met Eric Koston this past weekend, so there’s that.

The new Bronze / Flipmode video, 56K premieres at Wreck Room in Brooklyn (940 Flushing Avenue, off the Morgan L stop) this Friday, at 10 P.M. Flyer & more info here. According to an anonymous QS commentor, the premiere will soon be followed by a release of the past three videos on a DVD disc. Who said DVDs were dead?

To get all the events out of the way — Black Dave is opening up for Chief Keef at S.O.B’s (Varrick & West Houston Street) tonight. Flyer here. Doors open at 7:30, show at 9. Age 16+, so you can cool with your young’ns. Tickets are $20.

Watch what “throwaway” footage from Lucas Puig and Mark Suciu looks like. Apparently, there are still a bunch of kids out there today who think they have a chance of going pro. Good luck with that.

Gravis has a new clip out with a minute of unseen Jake Johnson footage from the past year or so. Lots of gnarly, middle-of-nowhere midwestern spots. “Perfect trick selection, pants improving” — Ted Barrow. Ripped Laces has a post detailing the sketchiness of the bank to rail in Yonkers he backside 5050s.

E.J. with another Super 8 lifestyle-y summer in New York clip.

Here’s Zered Bassett’s second commercial for his UXA guest board release.

$$$ is a New York-based video with a bunch of young kids ripping around the city. Teaser here. It has a couple of really sick lines down the double-sixes at FedEx.

Lots of tie-dye and a Quim-ish backside 180. Speaking of #tiedyestylez…

This is the Satori wheels commercial from EST 2. Cool spots, and a nineties Stereo video vibe, except a bit more hippie-er.

Get well soon, Derrick Rose.

Quote of the Week:

Eddy Curry won a NBA championship. Don’t bother going to work or school today.