Back From the Dead 2

carroll mehring

Michael Carroll. Photo by Jonathan Mehring. Should be back to normal programming this week. Sometimes you just gotta lurk around France and not be all stuck inside a computer yaknow.

Gotta send a massive #OGRESPECT to the homie *The Shady One* for claiming something over group text on the lead-up to a trip and fully 100% actually not backing down and going for it on the second day of arrival.

Switch pop shove crook is prob the most unlikely trick to go down at Con Ed Banks.

A bunch of Boston dudes doing some hot moves in New York in the latest Jenkins Log installment. Also features the *coolest* trick Daniel Kim has done since he got a #desk #job and lost all of his Belly of the Beast-era powers hehe ;)

Screengrab is the latest video from Tom Gorelik a.k.a. Russian Bob. Features a part from Troy Stilwell.

Skateboard Story interviewed Grandpa Jeremy about working at Autumn and subsequently running a shop of his own in Philadelphia.

There’s no reason to even bother pretending like anyone will have the slightest morsel of a chance in skating those Universitat-esque benches they’re supposed to be putting in Times Square. Anyone who’s skated through there even at the dead of night mid-winter knows those rookie cops are just waiting to ticket you. Literally the only precinct in the city I’ve ever heard claim it was illegal to skate on a sidewalk in New York.

“I liked it back in the day when someone like Henry Sanchez threw your board in the water at Pier 7, but he was still your favorite skater even after that. Now you don’t say hi to some kid and you’re ‘the biggest dick ever.'” Monster Children has a quick interview with the guy who ruined skateboarding back in 2012.

Fam, sk8ers been fake-claiming “one more” since way b4 Gatorade.

Our tour van playlists this past summer haven’t been far off from the Real van, though we probably listened to the [non-slowed down] middle montage song from Horny way more than anything (besides 56 Nights obvs.)

J.B. + H.D.V. is the only skater + spot combo as good as Kalis or Stevie + Love. Nice to see anytime he’s back there. Except we all know there’s only one Mr. Perfect

Enjoyed this Huck piece on Michelle Pezel, owner of Vancouver’s Antisocial.

A few progress shots of the skatepark being built in place of Fat Kid Spot.

Boil the Ocean on increased stress levels in modern-day skateboarding.

“It’s not like the easiest shit ever. It’s also kind of like the easiest shit ever.”

Though it was never an actual spot, as maybe only three tricks have ever been done it, R.I.P. to 50th Street / Times Square Hubba. Here’s the greatest noseslider not from Maine doing a noseslide down it circa 2003ish.

First Post of 2014

tf west

Happy New Year to everyone. 50 degrees today, 11 degrees tomorrow. This place is hosting a Superbowl next month? That should be interesting. We missed quite a bit while taking the past week off, so here’s a bit of a catch-up…

If you’re in the Benelux zone, QS gear is now available at Frisco (Arhem), Ben-G (Amsterdam), Sevenply (Rotterdam), and Lockwood (Antwerp.) If you’re in Miami enjoying life, it’s also now available at MIA (the South Beach location.) Seasons and Exit have restocks, too. Complete list of retailers here. The web store is running low on quantities, so get on that if you want a tee or hat ;)

Absolutely shocked that this got snubbed on the “Drunkest Moments of 2013” list.

Chewy Cannon with the first great part of 2014. Adidas should seriously consider pairing him and Busenitz for some sort of odd couple part.

If you’ve been skating long enough, you may remember this Josh Kalis commercial running on MTV, Comedy Central, etc. Though not the highest distinction, it might be the best mass audience skateboarding commercial ever made, if only because of the two kickflips and 360 flip he does in it. Filmed around Water Street and midtown, with a rare trick on the haven’t-been-skateable-in-15-years handrails by Radio City (A.K.A. “Joey’s Sculpture” from THPS2.) There’s an alternate version a cop chasing him somewhere too, which they talk about in this old Transworld article.

Speaking of which, there’s a new Kalis interview on Jenkem.

The Brooklyn Banks circa 1995, in 16mm. Yo, De Blasio, if you really want to do something great, please restore the small banks. Nobody cares about the big banks except BMXers. It’s more important than universal Pre-K. Thanks.

The DVS team visits New York. Far from the “Daewon in New York” dream clip we’ve all been hoping for, but it’s alright. Luis is the best.

Ripped Laces counts down the best skate shoes of 2013: #s10-6 here and #s 5-1 here. Going to have to agree on the Gatos at #1. Beyond their functionality, that shoe is the most Gino-esque Nike shoe ever made. Yes, even moreso than the actual Gino tennis-inspired shoe they released in 2012. When you look down at your feet in them, it gets easy to trick yourself into thinking you look way cooler on a skateboard than you actually do, because those are the shoes Gino would skate in. There’s also a chill commercial with Connor Champion for the Lunar Gato out today.

Some dudes made the odd decision of going skating in midtown on New Years Eve.

“There is not a genius in skateboarding…in the manufacturing world.” Muckmouth interviews Steve Olson over lunch.

Been into plain old frontside 180 nosegrinds on regular height ledges lately, seen most notably in The National Skateboard Company’s trip to Warsaw clip.

The new Skate Jawn montage is cool.

Chris Nieratko talks to James Kelch about FTC in light of their new book.

Great news: Lil’ Boosie gets out of jail next month. “Imma be like George Clinton ’round this bitch singing at 45.”

Are you seven-feet-tall and interested in skateboarding? Nah, you should probably play basketball. Even if you lack the neccesary skills, there will always be a job in the NBA for you if only because of your height. See: Jared Jeffries.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Steph Curry everything ♥♥♥

Quote of the Week:

alex patagonia

How the hell did anyone listen to a new French Montana mixtape last week when Street Lottery 2 was so readily available?

We Been On

jugg house

Exit Skateshop in Philadelphia (825 N 2nd Street) has a restock of QS gear. No, they do not have RiRi cruisers. Also, we will be going out of the country for a bit, so all orders placed after 5 P.M. E.S.T. on Tuesday, July 23, will not be shipped until August 7th. Please place any orders for QS merchandise in the next day or so if you don’t want to wait two weeks for delivery. (P.S. There are not many larges left.)

Wow — look at this spot. (Previously mentioned here.)

John Shanahan’s part in the Homebase Skateshop (Bethlehem, PA) video, Lemmegetdatfooty is awesome. Cool spots and good style. Check out all the Homebase videos, including this one in full, on the shop’s discography page.

You thought spring rumors were bad? Ripped Laces rounds up the recent cluster of skate gossip and sponsor changes, though they failed to mention Alex Olson’s reported destination(s) or the formation of a new Bones Brigade.

Much like Nas’ 2001 freestyle over the “Paid in Full” beat, the new Skate Jawn montage reminds you that Jay-Z used to rap like the Fu-Shnickens.

Some dudes from Puerto Rico opted out of the traditional April-October trip to New York season, and came here in the winter to film a cool ten-minute montage with a Watermelon Alex appearance.

The Tennskate crew keeps the 2002 dream alive by skating the last remaining Up-Rail in their new summer trip to New York clip.

In case you missed it, Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock talked about the virtues of skateboarding in the latest episode of Seinfeld’s web show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The whole episode is great, but skip to the 11:35 mark for the part in question, or check the soundbyte that 5,000 people Instagrammed last week.

The new Buffalo skatepark looks like the Canarsie park on steroids.

Dude, it’s, like, totally art, dude.

Spot Updates: 1) FYI for anybody going to skate a certain bank spot in Coney Island… 2) A mellow bank-to-curb is the latest addition to the BQE spot.

Derrick Rose says he’s at 100%. “Shall we begin?”

Quote of the Week
Inquisitive Gentleman: “What’s up, where you headed?”
Tyshawn Jones: “Lovely Day.”